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  1. putster

    Free 29 Gal. Setup in Sacramento

    The tank is going to a new home Saturday. If for some reason that falls through, I will let the next person in line know.
  2. putster

    Free 29 Gal. Setup in Sacramento

    Shrimp, I don't have bags or heatpacks or styrofoam containers to ship the livestock. Also, it would cost way too much to ship since I don't have a business account.
  3. putster

    Free 29 Gal. Setup in Sacramento

    I really don't want to ship any of it. Just too much hassle. Bronco, can you come by Saturday? Email me at
  4. putster

    Free 29 Gal. Setup in Sacramento

    I'm giving away my 29 gal setup in Sacramento, CA. I am moving and cannot take it with me. It includes around 35 lbs. of LR, 45 lbs of sand, a toadstool leather, a green mushroom, 2 clownfish, a peppermint shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, various snails and crabs, a bak pak 2r, a couple powerheads and...
  5. putster

    Struggling Fish

    I bought two small clownfish today and they seem to be working extra hard to keep from being blown around by the powerheads. I was wondering if I could turn one or both off until they grow and little bigger and stronger and just leave the protein skimmer for circulation.
  6. putster

    I'm Not Ordering Online Again

    Well, I acclimated my snails, peppermint shrimp and feather duster and they seem to be doing okay. I still think I will stick to buying locally from now on.
  7. putster

    I'm Not Ordering Online Again

    I ordered some inverts for the first time from another place that sells live stock and was very disappointed. First, they only used one heat pack and the water in the bags was freezing cold. Secondly, they used as little water as possible, so that it was barely enough to cover the specimens. I'm...
  8. putster

    Nitrogen Cycle

    My tank has been cyling with uncured LR for about 10 days now. My ammonia is off the charts, but my nitrites and nitrates are still zero. Is this normal? Also, I have a large outbreak of brown algae even though I used RO water. Is that normal too?
  9. putster


    D The little tubes.
  10. putster


  11. putster


  12. putster


  13. putster


    Excuse my ignorance in advance. I do not really know what anything on my new Live Rock is and was wondering if anybody could help me out and identify some of the assorted inhabitants. I have attached some pics.
  14. putster

    Skimmer Questions

    I have been cycling my tank for about 4 days now with LR. I bought a Bak Pak skimmer and decided to try it out. I seem to be getting too much foam, it is overflowing from the collection cup. The foam is also white, instead of brown. What should I do?
  15. putster

    Is This Bad?

    If I hadn't removed all traces of sponges or any other dead organisms from my LR before I cured it, would that be bad? Would it poison the water?
  16. putster

    Live Rock Smell

    I have been cycling my LR for a couple days now and the smell is getting worse and worse. Is this normal? The tank is in my bedroom and the smell has gotten so bad, I have had to move into the guest bedroom.
  17. putster

    Got My LR!

    I am so excited. I have finally made the big step of putting LR in my tank, no turning back now. I ordered 36lbs. of Lalo rock and was quite impressed. I think they gave me more than advertised. It had very nice colors and good sizes. Quite a variety of life as well. Some stuff that looked like...
  18. putster

    Too Much?

    230 gph each
  19. putster

    Too Much?

    Are two Maxi 900s too much gph for a 29?
  20. putster

    Glow In The Dark Fish

    Has anyone seen this article? I am not sure how I feel about it. I think it sort of demeans the hobby. It treats fish like toys. Here is the link: Article