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  1. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Thanks Stevebk.... I found the bulb at a LFS. I am currently using a Red Sea Prism works well, but I don't like it's width so I just bought a SeaClone that I'm gonna hook up this weekend. Would love to see some pics of your tank. P.S. Where are you going to school?
  2. marinesnow

    Let me see yo NANO, Cube that is.

    Hey Neo I love my NanoCube....check out my pics in my thread My NanoCube. Hope that helps. :happyfish
  3. marinesnow

    A thought on the 12 Nanocube

    Hey Innsmouth As to your question about the kind of coral you can keep in a NanoCube....check out the pics and lists of inhabitants I have in mine at the thread My NanoCube. Hope that helps.
  4. marinesnow

    emerald crab in a 10gal??

    I've had an emerald crab in my 12 gallons for months--he's pretty big one too. I've had no problems with him and he's given me none. FYI....I also noticed that BrooklynJohnny has one in his 10 gallon.:D
  5. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Oh yeah suprbeagle..... I did the trade out a few months ago and so for so good as you can see from the tank response.
  6. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    You've got it right...I did not do a retrofit....just changed the bulb. BTW, thanks, I'm glad you like it.
  7. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    New Tonga Leather
  8. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Side view (the curved corners of the tank cause distortion for the camera)
  9. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Full front shot
  10. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Originally posted by 007 I would like to see a full tank shot as well . . . very nice pics too. What kind of camera is that? Thanks. I use a 5 megapixel Sony Digital camera. And, I'll go use it now to take a full tank shot--especially since I added the Sacrophyton elegans yesterday.
  11. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Originally posted by C_Ray00 Are those the lights that came with the cube when you bought it or did you have to retrofit new ones in? I added the Moonglow (but can hardly call that a retrofit because you just screw the little thing on the lid) The tank comes standard with 24 watts of white...
  12. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Thanks rabbitfish:happyfish :happyfish
  13. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Omigosh! I forgot to include: 5 Bumble Bee snails 5 Astreas 5 Margaritas 1 unknown snail 3 blue legged hermits 3 red legged hermits
  14. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Alright Daniel411--here's the scoop: 12 gal Nanocube (with it's built in DAS-like filter) Red Sea Prism Skimmer added 2 extra power heads in tank (total water turnover rate ~30x/h) (one cycles off at night) 32 watts PC 50/50 (12 hour on) 1 Moonglow lite No Refugium 3 inches of live sand No live...
  15. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Marvin says "hello"
  16. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Last one for tonight
  17. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    And another one
  18. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    A close up shot
  19. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    Side view
  20. marinesnow

    My NanoCube

    My Nano