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  1. jden092901

    purple algea, cant remember the name...

    What is the purple algea on my rocks called? I have it on tip of my tounge, but cant pull it off...(brain fart). Anyway, how do you help your tank develop that, im still in my cycle. Does it just come with time? And what does it do exactly for your tank?
  2. jden092901

    clown help

    I do have lots of live sand and rock that was givin to me...I'm sure my cycle time will be "shorter", and again, maybe not. I plan on gettion a raw shrimp tonight to put in the it along.
  3. jden092901

    one more thing

    Yes, when its done. I dont think my cycle will take long, I was given all the sand and some live rock, and have bought live fiji rock to cycle it. I think i'll put in one raw shrimp to give it a boost and make sure it has cycled up...and thank you again. Josh
  4. jden092901


    Thank you again for all of your help. I might go get me a shrimp and put it in the tank...thanks man, Josh
  5. jden092901


    O im not yet. Im waiting for the tank to cycle. What kind of fish would help the break in? I saw some little damsels for only 3 bucks at *****? Josh
  6. jden092901

    one more thing

    Thats what i need..but was wondering what the water levels should be..when its what should your PH,salinity,nitrite, amm, nitrate.. I think amm should be 0, nitrite should be 0, saltinity 1.021-1.026...Just want some average scale.. Thanks again, and again, o and again, Josh
  7. jden092901

    one more thing

    Could someone please post the levels of my in the cycle and going to buy a test kit in the next day or so... I need some type of cheat sheet... Thanks so very much, Josh
  8. jden092901


    ok..thanks man.
  9. jden092901


    What kind of feed should I use for a clown? I'm going to feed my tank to help with the much feed should I use and how many times pr day? I have cichlid flake food, you cant use that on salt can you... Josh
  10. jden092901

    cycle temp

    im in the middle of the cycle, woke up this morn and noticed the temp was 76...its been at 80. It was turned down a bit yesterday, cause it got to you think its ok...nothing in there but the live rock critters and sand...O, should I leave my lights on when its in the cycle..or just turn...
  11. jden092901

    new 10 gallon

    black and white are really pretty. My wife wants a to have the same one...and she does rule the house. Josh
  12. jden092901

    clown help

    I got a hydrometer, what kit should I get? And tell me again..i forget..what levels go up and down in order, so i know. ammonia needs to stay low then drop to 0, nitrite and nitrate i cant remember...sorry Josh
  13. jden092901

    new 10 gallon in the cycling now...its all going well. Im going to do a FOWLR for NOW...then work my way into a reef. What would be good fish for my tank...its a 10 gallon. I was thinking 2 clowns, and clean up crew..what else would be fun? Josh
  14. jden092901

    what kind..

    I only have a 10 gallon tank...FOWLR tank for now...I have just normal lighting with a 50/50 bulb...WHat kind of lighting could I get on that small of a tank to have more things? Josh
  15. jden092901

    clown help

    my tank is still in the cycle...its been going for about 4 days now. I took my water in to ***** (dont have a tester YET) and they said eveything was really good. I did have some live sand and rock my brother in law gave to me, so I dont think it will take long to cycle. They said it was...
  16. jden092901

    Does it look ok?

    the saltinity is between 1.023 and 1.024, took my water in to have tested and it was all where it should be..only been 4 days now.
  17. jden092901

    Does it look ok?

    When I have seen tanks go in the cycle, they look like crap (some that I have seen at the stores and online). Does my tank look ok? Its so clean and clear...its in the cycle.. here it is...
  18. jden092901

    help me with my tank...

    It looks good, doesnt it???
  19. jden092901

    help me with my tank...

    im not doing any reef..just fish and live rock. My filter is a whisper 20-40 gallon. It has LOTS of water moving around. Its pretty powerfull for my little 10 gallon. Here is a pic of it... not the best pic but here u are.
  20. jden092901

    help me with my tank...

    I started my 10 gallon tank thursday night, only been 3 days. My bro-in-law gave me some sand, a little bag of live sand, and some live rock. I have also bought some live figi rock. I took some water into ***** to have it tested (dont have a home test kit yet) and he said all is good. there...