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  1. terasparrow

    Eibli Angel

    That is what I have heard also, I was just wondering what others thought of that idea also? I have only seen a few Majestic Angels that actually looked healthy at the you know if majestics are a difficult, or hardy breed?
  2. terasparrow

    Christmas Tree Worms

    Hello I was wondering what kind of lighting Spirobranchis giganteus, or Christmas tree worms would require? I have a double strip T5 compact flourecent HO lamp with one 54 W Actinic Blue and one 54W, 18,000 K powerglo, would that be enough? Thanks, Tera
  3. terasparrow

    Eibli Angel

    Hello I was wondering if an Eibli Angel and a Majestic Angel would fight in a tank together? Thanks, Tera
  4. terasparrow

    Goby/Firefish Question

    That is pretty normal, I have two firefish gobys who are always hiding out in their burrow together, they usually only come out when they are hungry and its feeding time...I have never heard cross breed nesting but since they are so closely related I would suspect it to be perfectly normal...if...
  5. terasparrow

    Getting a Mandarin to eat...Not impossible

    I always wanted a mandarin goby, even though I knew they rarely survive in captivity, since they often refuse to eat anything but live food. When I decided to buy one, my fish store guy told me to come back in a week and see if the mandarins he just got in would survive. I did as he advised...
  6. terasparrow

    Clown Fish not eating

    I tried a water change, but it didnt seem to help much, he is still breathing heavily and not eating...all my other fish are perfectly fine I dont get it..My fish store guy told me to treat him for internal parasites, with metroyzodine, or something like that so thats what I have started...
  7. terasparrow

    Enough Light for Anemone's?

    Thanks, It is a 50g tank, I have heard BT anemone's dont need much lighting and will find the spots in the tank that they prefer, what do you think?. There is some rocks that reach higher, and closer to the light than others, does that make a difference? Will fp clowns inhabit a tube anemone? I...
  8. terasparrow

    Enough Light for Anemone's?

    I was wondering if I would have enough light power for an anemone. I have a 48" T5 2x54 w HO linear lamp by GLO. I have heard reflectors help? but even with this would there be enough light to support the needs of anemone's and soft corals? are any anemone's easier to keep (lighting...
  9. terasparrow

    Clown Fish not eating

    Thanks, I will try that right away!
  10. terasparrow

    Freshwater baths

    wanted to give my fp clown a freashwater bath to try and ease his breathing, and help with his unidentified problem...I read an article saying that that helped someone elses clown, I was wondering how long I dip him for? how warm or cold should the water be? and do i have to reacclimate him...
  11. terasparrow

    Clown Fish not eating

    I have a fp Clown, and have had him for about a month, up until last week he was eating voraciously, and readily accepted frozen brin as well as his favorite, flakes. But he suddenly stopped eating, and doesnt even look at the food. He started to act very lazily, usually hovering in one spot...
  12. terasparrow

    Clown Fish not eating

    I have looked through some of these articles and most diseases and infections show physical signs of illness...where as my clown just has somewhat irregular breathing, and lack of any appetite as well as hovering by the sand...I have not yet found symptoms that match...any ideas? Thank you
  13. terasparrow

    Freshwater baths?

    I wanted to give my fp clown a freashwater bath to try and ease his breathing, and help with his unidentified problem...I read an article saying that that helped someone elses clown, I was wondering how long I dip him for? how warm or cold should the water be? and do i have to reacclimate him...
  14. terasparrow

    Clown Fish not eating

    I have a fp Clown, and have had him for about a month, up until last week he was eating voraciously, and readily accepted frozen brin as well as his favorite, flakes. But he suddenly stopped eating, and doesnt even look at the food. He started to act very lazily, usually hovering in one spot...