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  1. deborah

    Would a Humu Humu and a Volitan lionfish get along OK?

    Looking into stocking some fish and have heard mixed reports on this. Tank size 110gal. Berlin Protein Skimmer 802 Power head Fluval 404 filter Salinity is a bit on the high side, working to bring it down from 0.026 to 0.023.
  2. deborah

    Maroon Clowns with Dwarf lionfish?

    Would these fish work out together? Tank size is 110gal. with a fluval 404 filter and Berlin Protein Skimmer. All parameters are ok so far. Also to be included in this tank are a yellow tang, Princess Parrotfish, and 3 Marginal Damsels.
  3. deborah

    New 110gal tank, need help

    I was previously warned about putting a dwarf lionfish in with my lawnmower blennie and Sebae clownfish. Was I warned wrong? I was told that when my dwarf grew up he would see them as food and end up eating them.
  4. deborah

    undulate triggers

    I was planning on getting a Humu Humu triggerfish to go in with my Dwarf Lionfish(future) but after much research decided I have to leave the trigger out due to their aggressiveness. Don't want to risk the lionfish's life. (I have waited many years to get one of these fish) BTW I know very...
  5. deborah

    New 110gal tank, need help

    I am planning this tank for a dwarf lionfish, preferably a yellow tang, A marine betta, a coral hogfish and maybe a Moray of some sorts. Does this sound like the combinations of fish would work? If so, what else could I add if anything. :confused:
  6. deborah

    Feather Duster lost it's tube!

    One of my 6 feather dusters expelled itself from it's tube and is now in two separate parts on the bottom of my tank. Is this a reprocuctive thing or something very bad. All the others are fine. This is in my 20gal tank, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Salinity .024 and Nitrate .10. I have 3.6 watts of...
  7. deborah

    Dwarf Lionfish and hermit crab?

    I am planning on buying one from my LFS so I will be able to see if it is eating or not before I buy him.
  8. deborah

    Dwarf Lionfish and hermit crab?

    I am getting a 90 gallon tank soon I hope and plan on getting a dwarf lionfish. I also have a very large hermit crab I call hermie. My question is would hermie be safe in this tank and if so what else could I put in it? Any replies welcome.
  9. deborah

    LionFish in a Reef tank?

    Is this a safe combination or would the lion end up killing my polyps and mushrooms? :confused:
  10. deborah

    OK New Plans. What do you think of this?

    Thanks for all your help guys! I would love to get a 150 gallon tank if I knew my floors would support it and if I could afford one! I was thinking more along the lines of a 75 or 90 gallon as both of these are 48" also. Leaning more towards the 75gal for now.
  11. deborah

    OK New Plans. What do you think of this?

    I have decided to cut the lionfish from my 55! I know that will make a bunch of people happy including me as now I need another tank! LOL Anyhow, I want my darned Lionfish so what size tank would you recommend and tank mates please that would be ok with a Dwarf Lion? I only have 4ft of space...
  12. deborah

    Peppermint Shrimp Exo Skeletons

    OK, Cool! ;)
  13. deborah

    Peppermint Shrimp Exo Skeletons

    What do I do with them? Will they pollute my tank if not removed?
  14. deborah

    LFS in Pittsburgh

    Canonsburg is a bit far for me to travel, I would have to make a day of it and bring lots of money! LOL I live 45 minutes east of pittsburgh!
  15. deborah

    Lawnmower Blenny New Today?'s

    I have adding Phyto algae to the tank to help cure some old Tufa rocks so there is tons of algae in my tank and yes he did look fat when I received him! Thank You all for your responses!
  16. deborah

    LFS in Pittsburgh

    Elmer's is a nice store and the only one I know of around here that carries SW supplies! They are good for LR but expensive, Corals but again expensive and have quite a selection of SW fish, again quite expensive! IMO Elmer's is an ok store but very expensive! 42.99 for one coral is a bit too...
  17. deborah

    Lawnmower Blenny New Today?'s

    A dwarf Lion would not be added to my tank for at least another month. Fortuneatly, they sent me a big blenny here! Johnny as that is what I named him had it out with Lucifer, my spotted hawk and Johnny won! My spotted hawk is about 3" but Johnny is 4". I also found out today that Lawnmower...
  18. deborah

    Lawnmower Blenny New Today?'s

    I am receiving a lawnmower blenny from this site today. My question is I only have two tanks one 20gal and one 55gal. My plans were to house him in the 55 but have since been informed this would not be too good of an idea due to the other fish and future fish of the tank. Here is what I have in...