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  1. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    No, $90 fish is expensive for me, but compared to other fish I've seen online it seem cheaper. What do you think is the best tank setup for me? Fish only, live rock or a little of both? Peaceful or predators? There are so many options, lol! Anita
  2. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    Yes, Isaved all your equipment recommendations in Word, thanks. I'd really like to have a cc star(is that a good idea?), so live rock is probably not the best. Until my books come in, what are other fish that will get along? Anita
  3. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Yeah, that's a good point. Really? One of the reasons I thought of seahorses besides that they are peaceful is because they seem to be not too expensive, seahorses I've seen on various websites are $60-$90. The rays I was initially considering are $150 +. And I'm also looking on this site...
  4. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    See, the only reason I'm unsure of buying fish in the store, is because I don't know if I'm being given a good fish, based on everything these 2 stores have told me...oddly enough these 2 stores are the only pet stores within 40 mile radius that sell saltwater aquariums/fish. Even with tanks...
  5. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    Thanks for the advice on books, I ordered the Fenner book & pocket book to marine fish on Amazon today...I have to wait a week since we got standard shipping, lol! I've read it's probably better to have a fish only tank first, which is fine with me. Jenn said that cc stars are good for that...
  6. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Jenn- Thanks. That helps. I looked on Amazon & I ordered the pocketbook for marine fishes & the conscientious marine aquarist, thanks! I'll get that too. If the cc star is good in a fish only tank...what about the rest of the fish in the tank being seahorses, they're also fish-only tank...
  7. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    Ok, I'm very confused & frustrated because it turns out just about everything my local fish stores have told me today is false. The stores I went to today also said that my tank needs to be balanced, there needs to be fish that lay on the bottom most of the time, some in the middle & some at...
  8. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Well, I really like the chocolate chip starfish, is that ok for a first saltwater tank? What else goes good with it? I know you don't need to know the fish for awhile, but I'd like to have some idea before I get started. Anita
  9. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Oh ok. Thanks.
  10. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Ok, but didn't you say you have have 4 snowflake eels plus a starfish? What other fish do you have in that set up?
  11. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Can you actually have that combination? I'm also thinking about an eel, would it fit into that setup? Anita
  12. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Thanks. I am getting so frustrated because everything the fish stores told me is turning out to be completely ?s on cycling, tank size & fish compatibility. I really like the look of a mixed tank; you know part live rock, part sand, it seems to look more natural. One of my reasons...
  13. anita


    Yeah, it's called a cortez round ray. Darn, well the stores I went to today also said that my tank needs to be balanced, there needs to be fish that lay on the bottom most of the time, some in the middle & some at the top. Is this true? If so, since rays aren't good to have, what's good to...
  14. anita


    Sorry, this may be a dumb question but why dead shrimp? Are they supposed to rot completely or do you remove it at some point? Once you do the 20-30% water change, don't you need to wait before adding fish? My ideal plan is to have a 40-50g tank part live rock, & part live sand in which...
  15. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    I was thinking of part rock & part or mostly sand...because starfish need the rock & rays need the sand, right? So this particular ray will outgrow a 40-50g tank? See, it's a good thing I found this site because the stores I went to today said that it wouldn't outgrow its tank. And, I can't...
  16. anita


    I went to 2 local aquarium stores today. One said the tank should be left for 2 weeks-1 month. Another said if you put live sand in it, the tank only need to be left for 2-3 days. And on a website( which I just found out I can't post) it said a minimum of 2 months. How long should a tank be...
  17. anita

    if u had a 50 000 gallon tank

    Thanks. Hey can you look at my fish compatibility post? I'm really anxious to find out if what the stores said is true or not. Anita
  18. anita

    if u had a 50 000 gallon tank

    Hi Dave_15. I'm new to the board. I read your profile I can't believe you're only 13, I'm 19 & thought I was probably one of the younger, and inexperienced people on here, lol! Well, 50k gallons...I like the idea someone else had of making it really long & dividing it into smaller tanks to...
  19. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Oh no, I didn't know, am I going to get kicked off the board? How do I delete it? By the way, the website I posted doesn't sell fish, supplies, anything. That's the only info on the site. Anita
  20. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Hi. My name is Anita & I live in southern CA. My family & I were looking to get started with a saltwater aquarium. I have a few questions. 1. We're thinking of the 40-50 gallon size, is that good for a first time? 2. We visited a few local aquariums stores, 2 of them said that you could mix...