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  1. anita

    New type of tank!

    Hey. I went to 3 fish stores now, probably another on Friday. Anyways all 3 stores told us about a new tank that's supposed to be great for beginners. Well, this is how it's supposed to work, the system has a skimmer combined with a filter, but instead of going underneath it goes behind the...
  2. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Mikeyjer So, when I buy live rock either in the store for $5/lb, or online, do I specify uncured live rock? That's the one I'd have to cure w/a tooth brush, right? Is it ok to put the uncured live rock, base rock & live sand in the tank at the beginning of the cycle? Won't the high levels on...
  3. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Well, if I get my tank this weekend & start it's I need to put base rock in right away? Or should I wait for the cycle to finish to put in base rock? If I put base rock in my tank, with a few pieces of live rock, will I be able to add fish, or do I have wait for the live rock's...
  4. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    I'd love to go, what's the address? Anita
  5. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Ok, well what about here? The store I went to today charges $5/lb for live rock. Someone on this message board suggested getting base rock or dead rock which is a lot cheaper & getting a few pieces of live rock...the organisms are supposed to spread to all the dead rocks. What do you think...
  6. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Hey, I went to the fish store today. We actually might get a 60g tank, since we're getting a really good deal on the stand, tank, plus fliter/skimmer that goes behind the tank. It's a lot easier to maintain, to clean the filter, all I'd do is remove the 2 sponges & clean them w/tap water & put...
  7. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    No, I ordered the pockter book for marine fish & the fenner book, they haven't come in the mail yet. Since I don't have the book to know which corals/anemonoes I would need for a clownfish (even though clownfishes don't really require that), I suppose I could add it on later. It seems like ti...
  8. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    Thanks. I'm going to one more fish store today in Buena Park that alextrif suggested. So, I'll see what they say. Thanks to Jenn & other posters, I think I've come up with a good list of fish for my first tank; it's in my fish compatibility post. Still not sure about corals or anemones since...
  9. anita

    New tank

    Hi, I'm new to the hobby also...I'm planning to get my tank this weekend, it'll be 40g-50g. Lol, the 2 stores I went to a few days ago gave me incorrect info, which seems to be a common thing. So, I'm waiting to have my fish list approved by other more experienced posters in my fish...
  10. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Ohhh, ok. What do you think about my list? Tangs wouldn't be good for because I don't think I would have room for a bigger tank in my house. Anita
  11. anita

    Multiple same species fish in a tank/breeding

    So, I guess I should stick with 1 clownfish (percula) instead of 2, right? Anita
  12. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Ok, thanks for the help, do you think it's good to go out & get my tank/supplies this weekend? I think with help from poster on this site (thanks!), I have a good idea how my tank will be setup. That way I can get started on the approx 1 month cycle. I think I'll get my tank, stand, supplies...
  13. anita

    Multiple same species fish in a tank/breeding

    So, basically it's innevitable,if I get 2 clownfish, because they could change their --- & mate? Like I said, I don't know what I'd do with the babies. This website also says they like being in groups, so could I get 2 different species of clowns...would that solve the problem? Anita
  14. anita

    Multiple same species fish in a tank/breeding

    My tank size will be between 40g-50g. Yeah, I'm thinking of getting a clownfish. That's the problem, if I find eggs, I'd have to rush out to the store & get another tank, pumps, etc. I don't think I can have that many extra fish. Should I only get one clown fish? Or different species, will...
  15. anita

    Multiple same species fish in a tank/breeding

    This may be a dumb question, but is it good to get 2 of the same species in a first tank? The only reason I ask is since you don't really know if you're getting a male or female...what if they breed? What would I do with the babies? They wouldn't all fit in my tank. Anita
  16. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Sinner_Girl So far: -clownfish, -brittle star, serpent star -urchin (which ones stick to the glass?) -royal gamma -angel (Cherb, Coral Beauty, Eibl's, Lemonpeel, Flame ) -goby,wrasse, blennie or dottyback If I don't get a snail, could I get a chocolate chip star? I really like those. This may...
  17. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Jenn- Ok, good I'm getting somewhere, lol! So, clownfish, & brittle stars. I'd like having mutliple stars, what about linkia & serpent stars? And how about the urchins, royal gramma, moorish idol, yellow tang, damsel (fish from Finding Nemo minus puffer), a reef-safe angel & a blue hippo tang...
  18. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    Ok, really? thanks, I will surely look into that. Anita
  19. anita

    Tank size & fish compaitibility

    Jenn- Lol, it really is exciting! I read your post about falling of a cliff, ouch! Your dog is so adorable, we a have a great dane & a blue & gold macaw...& of course some fish sometime soon! Ok, so it is all personal preferance...well, again I've been looking at the various fish & invert...
  20. anita

    Things my local fish store told me...

    No, I meant live rock probably wouldn't work w/a chocolate chip starfish, since they eat it. I'd like a starfish, and chocolate chips seem nice. I don't know if I should get a live rock tank or fish it just a matter of personal preferance? Or is one better suited for a first tank? Anita