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  1. nurjrk

    clown not eating

    Put my perc. clown into my display 3 days ago from the QT (3 wks) it ate the first evening but I don' think it has eaten sence. It also has been hiding behind the LR and does not come out. It ate like a champ while in QT (shrimp) 26 gal bow, LS, 45 lbs LR 110w PC (55 actinic, 55 white) NEW CPR...
  2. nurjrk

    clown not eating

    Put my perc. clown into my display 3 days ago from the QT (3 wks) it ate the first evening but I don't think it has eaten since. It ate like a champ while in QT (shrimp) 26 gal bow, LS, 45 lbs LR 110w PC (55 atinic, 55 white) NEW CPR hang on fuge with macro, LS, LR 2 ph 6 margarita snails 8...
  3. nurjrk

    cleaning LR

    Thanks guy, I do have LS and a clean up crew, but what they leave behind looks like small piles of durt (waste?) on the LR which is what I want to vacuum out. Thanks again, Jeff
  4. nurjrk

    cleaning LR

    no thoughts from anybody else? :confused:
  5. nurjrk

    cleaning LR

    Thanks, but actually I was talking about when I do my routine water changes. When I am syphoning out my water can I syphon off the junk on my LR (the brown dirt looking stuff). I don't want to take out anything that should be there, but I don't want to leave anything that could cause ammonia...
  6. nurjrk

    cleaning LR

    When I am doing my water changes and sucking out my water I run it over my LR and get allot of junk off the rocks. Should I be doing this or is it gonna create some imbalance in my tank. I'm not sucking out the good junk off or out of the rock am I? Thanks, Jeff
  7. nurjrk

    QT to main tank

    This may be a dumb question but when I take my clown out of my QT (in one week) do I need to drip acclimate him to my main tank like I did for my QT? and how long should I wait before I put another fish in the QT and do I need to do anything to it before hand. Thanks, Jeff
  8. nurjrk

    fish selection

    Thank you jwtrojan44 :cool: Jeff
  9. nurjrk

    fish selection

    I've got a 26g bow front with 45lbs of LR and LS. Cycle is finished and was thinking about my fish selection. I was looking at a Percula Clown, Pygme Angel, and a Sixline Wrasse. What do you guys think about this combo? What order should they be put in? Also, I've got a 10g QT cycled, could...
  10. nurjrk

    QT set-up question

    Thanks Beth, Jeff
  11. nurjrk

    QT set-up question

    I am setting up a 10g QT tank. I am in the process of painting the bottom and back black. I will use a cup or so of sand and some H2O from my 26g reef for starters and a few small chunks of LR (will be taken out before fish) My question is I will be using a Penguin Mini bio-wheel power filter...
  12. nurjrk

    OT - Check This Out

    In the words of my niece, "that's Kewel"
  13. nurjrk

    shrimp or not

    Thank you Jenni Jeff
  14. nurjrk

    shrimp or not

    Was only gonna use the skilter for the bilogical filter while the tank cycled then take it off. I didn't like it when I used it before, loud and didn't put out much foam. thanks, Jeff
  15. nurjrk

    Got my first inhabitants today

    I have nothing but LR in my tank and I still sit there and watch it. :D
  16. nurjrk

    shrimp or not

    lr was cured. I do have a skilter (not in use) so I should put that on for a little while? I am also running a CPR refugium with ls and lr but no macro yet, when should I add that and where should I get some from? Thanks, Jeff
  17. nurjrk

    shrimp or not

    lr came from online source. I do have some white spots that I kinda brushed off with my hand when I rearanged the rock (already). I don't plan on putting any fish in till mid Aug. anyway, so I am in no rush. But I will put a shrimp in to help things out. Thanks, Jeff
  18. nurjrk

    shrimp or not

    Shrimp or not to shrimp, that is the question. 26g tank up since Thursday with 45lb lr. I had originally planned on leaving the lr cycle the tank. With the die off from the lr, is that enough to cylce or do I need to add a shrimp? Also, do I need to scrub of the white spots? If so should I...
  19. nurjrk

    tank cycling ?

    Thanks Thomas :) Jeff
  20. nurjrk

    tank cycling ?

    Thanks, at what time do I need to add a clean up crew? Jeff