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  1. aquaman2000

    pump question pls help

    i have a 30 gal sum/fuge
  2. aquaman2000

    120 gal tank help sqidd/ lion crazz / anyone!!!!!!!!

    i have an external pump the model sequence just like your external pump so what can i do what can i use do i drill or not drill what type of set up do i do
  3. aquaman2000

    Help !!!!!!!!

    thanks zman1 ive come up with some conclusions after searching for some prices for the pot etc. it came up to a total of $86+pipes(for redoing) and 90% PVC would it be better to drill the tank how much of a chance is there that the used tank may crack or break is it better to make an acrylic...
  4. aquaman2000

    Help !!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by zman1 I take it there is no way for you to put a bulkhead through the side of your sump. This would be the preferred method. Google "1.5 inch Priming Pot/Basket for Dolphin Aqua Sea Pump " to see a picture. Does Sequence offer a 2" flavor? Hi thanks again for helping...
  5. aquaman2000

    Help !!!!!!!!

    So ive done my design but ive stumble upon some problems help is really appreciated i have connected the pipes with the pump as the pic shows as i was filling in the sump/refugium with water to test if it was going into the pump and out in to the DT, the water did not come out as i though...
  6. aquaman2000

    drilling vs. Glueing

    but has anybody done the whole drilling thing successfully do you guys think it will work probably ill put several lbs to a single rock sort of like a piramid upside down should i go with the glue or drill
  7. aquaman2000

    drilling vs. Glueing

    can some one help i am in the process of buying LR i have a new 140 tank and will receive my RO/DI today i was thinking in glueing the rocks together to form some sort of design, but then i read on drilling the rocks, wich method works best? this if for those that have glued the rocks...
  8. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    thanks you guys yet again
  9. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    one last question is all the die off a certain color like black i keep seen that die off is black but is die off a different color how can you tell what is dead
  10. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    hey you guys thanks for the post and montdj sorry for butting in like that ill let you continue with your thread
  11. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    ok now im getting some were you scrub it some what doing this will preserve what is live how do you know what to scrub or do you go with instinct and scrub on places you thing might have a dead spot
  12. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    i understand that, changing the water to preserve what i can while i can, and not letting it die unless i dont want it i mean if you cure it, inst that taking of (by means of scrubbing the rock) what you will want to save by doing the water change i just dont jet it if you scrub the rock...
  13. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX I prefer to cure it in the tank if its new rock and a new tank. just scrub it real good and get anything that looks dead or dieing off the rock first and use a good skimmer it will help the smell. Mike Originally Posted by sepulatian If the tank is new, just...
  14. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    even though its for cycling a new tank you have to cure it is that what you are saying sorry for bumping into your thread montdj
  15. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    so you do have to cure it
  16. aquaman2000

    Need Help Lr Question Help

    hi i am about to order some rock also uncure or cured does not matter to me the thing is i saw you guys also had a new tank and were going to cycle with it for about 4 weeks or so my problem is i dont know wether to cure the rock and then set it to cycle the tank (nothing in my tank yet) or do...
  17. aquaman2000

    Help !!!!!!!!

    thanks for the pics i went to sleep ytd and saw the pics today i did see the combination of the hoses with pipes do you recommend going with both or only one type (white hose/PVC pipes) I liked what you did with your Return design might just do that my self if is not that much of a hassle...
  18. aquaman2000

    Help !!!!!!!!

    i was thinking in putting Valves to restrict some flow on the RP i have a Overflow that will do 1200gph and the RP does 600-3200 so ill ad the valve to restrict some flow (i think this will work) (opinions if im going the wrong direction) I can provide you some pictures of what I did with a...
  19. aquaman2000

    Loud Noise D M M

    well i have not set it up yet I bought already the over flow CPR 102 RP - Sequence 3600 Some noise skimmer -- do not know if it will make noise an in sump pump--sedra 5000 PH--- Mag 900 Im just waiting for some answers on the (DIY equip, Lights) board regarding the plumbing and ill be set...
  20. aquaman2000

    Help !!!!!!!!

    i bought a sequence Model # [hr] Flow Rate [hr] Flow Rate (gph @ 4' Head) 3600 [hr] 600-3200gph [hr] 2820gph Inlet/Outlet 2.0"/1.5"