Search results

  1. aquaman2000

    95 Gal Set Up In Sacramento

    hi can you send me more details on the parts of the the tank u r selling im looking to buy a 90-100 gal tank if you have it still include ur zip code want to see how much i have to travel lol
  2. aquaman2000

    Power Head

    I was wondering if any body knew of a power head that i could put in a 36 gal tank (Model pls)
  3. aquaman2000

    Setup Tank Today

    I have a 36 gal tank that i want to start and just wanted to know what equipment do you have set up in your 37 gal tank :thinking:
  4. aquaman2000


    thks for rpls both of them
  5. aquaman2000

    Skimmer !!!!

    I want to add a hang on skimmer to my 36 gal tank and i wanted to know if i put a (Super Skimmer (125 Gallons) Dual Application System: Hang-on Tank Mount or Sump Hook-up Needle-Wheel System Technology Pump Included) :thinking: thinking in upgrading in several months would it be to much...
  6. aquaman2000


    Hi im starting a new 36 gal tank Nothing in it trying to get ideas on paper first :thinking: i wanted to know if anybody new the brand or moder for a good hang on skimmer or is it better to use the in tank ones with out drilling holes in the tank tnks
  7. aquaman2000

    Is L/R better than LL/S

    Does any one know if Live Rock was better than Live Sand or do you need both if one or the other is better can you give a brief explanation tks I have a 36 gal tank that i want to start but i am still undecided what to get :thinking: I dont have fish in the tank because i need to cycle...
  8. aquaman2000

    what is better F.O.T_ R.T _L.R.W.F

    is it necessary for the fish to have coral or live rock or is it just for the better sight
  9. aquaman2000

    Having another chance at remodeling your tank

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Hello, and welcome to the boards!!!!!! First, fish are off the list of things to get for awhile. You want to do this correctly I assume, or you wouldn't have asked. No gravel. a fine sand bed works best. Cycle your tank with uncured live rock (the bacteria from...
  10. aquaman2000

    what is better F.O.T_ R.T _L.R.W.F

    What is better for the fish to live in fish only tank reef coral tank or live rock with fish tank
  11. aquaman2000

    Having another chance at remodeling your tank

    Hi i am new to saltwater fish i have a 36 gal aquarium (with fresh watter fish). As i was making my purchases in a store i saw the saltwater fish and i was intrigued by the sight Now i want to make my fresh water into a fish only saltwater tank :happyfish heres a chance for any one to...