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  1. kirsch66

    Algae Problem

    Can I add a yellow tang if I already have a blue hippo tang, huma trigger, green spotted puffer, fire clown, yellow saddled clown, and a hawk fish?
  2. kirsch66

    Algae Problem

    Well, I'm sad to say that I am using tap water. Obviously, I need to stop doing that. Do you purchase R/O water from the store, or make it at home? What costs are involved? The algae is not hard, and is very "stringy" if that makes sense. I have a blue hippo tang and a huma trigger that...
  3. kirsch66

    Algae Problem

    I have a 92 gallon corner tank that is currently being taken over by algae. I change 20-30 gallons twice a month, but have been unable to clear up the agae. My water tests normal, and my fish appear to be doing fine. I first noticed the algae growing when I added 3 large pieces of live rock...
  4. kirsch66

    Growth on my Trigger

    I do have a digital camera, and have figured out how to post the picture. I will post it tonight. -Kirsch
  5. kirsch66

    Growth on my Trigger

    Terry, I do a 20 gallon change every week. Water has tested fine with an occasional nitrate spike. I will try to take a good picture tonight. How do I post the picture?
  6. kirsch66

    Growth on my Trigger

    I have noticed a white growth on one side of my Huma Huma Trigger. All other fish (Clowns, Puffer, Hawk, etc) seem fine. I have noticed the growth for about a month now, and it has grown a little bit. The tank has been set up for years, but I did add my first bit of live rock about 8 weeks...
  7. kirsch66

    Live Rock Lighting

    My tank has been up for several years. I just added live rock for the first time about 6 weeks ago. I added about 15 pounds or 3 good size rocks. I'm not sure exactly what kind of lights I have, but they are high intensity and good enough for coral. Do I need the lights on to support the...
  8. kirsch66

    Live Rock Lighting

    Since I've added live rock to my tank, I've noticed a huge algae bloom in my tank. I'm guessing it's due to the amount of time I keep the lights on. On average they are on for 8-10 hours per day. What is the minimum amount of time I need the lights on to provide ample growth on my live rock?
  9. kirsch66

    please help!!!!

    What exactly do you need help with??
  10. kirsch66

    Hungry Starfish??

    Every day I place a new piece or romaine lettuce in my tank. My fish love it! However, a few months ago I added a Choc Chip Starfish to my tank. Over the past few weeks he has begun to latch on to the lettuce and begin to eat it. Now, every day he goes after the lettuce! Is this normal? I...
  11. kirsch66

    Can I add/What should I add??

    You make a good point. I just started getting into the live rock. I'll concentrate on that for awhile and we'll see what happens. -Thanks!
  12. kirsch66

    Can I add/What should I add??

    It does suck. Especially since my tank looks empty!
  13. kirsch66

    Algae Bloom--HELP

    Recently I have started to see a good amount of green algae and a small amount of red algae in my tank. I generally leave a little growth on the two side walls(corner tank) because I like the natural look and my fish with eat a bit of it. However, in the past week or so it has grown out of...
  14. kirsch66

    Can I add/What should I add??

    Currently in my 92 gallon corner tank I have a fire clown, saddled clown, huma trigger, spotted puffer, hawk fish, 2 small damsels, tiget goby, and a choc chip starfish. Can I still add fish? If so, any good ideas??
  15. kirsch66

    What should I add??

    8 fish are too many for a 92 gallon tank? As far as the Damsels go, the Trigger, Puffer, and Hawk leave them alone. The only fish that don't get along are the two clowns. However, one stays in the front, and one stays in the back. It doesn't seem to cause any issues. The only must for me...
  16. kirsch66

    What should I add??

    I have a 92 gallon corner tank that I'm looking to add a few fish to. Currently I have a Fire Clown, Yellow Saddled Clown, Huma Huma Trigger, Green Spotted Puffer, Hawk Fish, Sleeper Goby, two small Damsels, large Hermit Crab, and a Choc Chip Starfish. I was thinking about adding a Yellow Tang...
  17. kirsch66

    Algae Growth

    I'm having some trouble controling algae in my tank. Since I've added some live rock several weeks ago, I'm getting a green film all over the glass. I also have a green/red hairy growth on two of the side panes. Is this just because I'm leaving the lights on longer? What is the best way to...
  18. kirsch66

    Help the new guy!!!

    I am using tap water. However, I thought that using Amquil will take care of the problems. (Another lesson learned!) Is there a particular book out there that you guys recommend? Thanks for all of your help!!!
  19. kirsch66

    Help the new guy!!!

    I will give the vacume a try on my next water change. Any type of crab I should try that has a better chance of surviving the Huma? He leaves my hermit crab alone if that means anything! So, there is truth to my issue with the CC? Should I be able to control the nitrates without changing...
  20. kirsch66

    Help the new guy!!!

    Thanks for the response! Would you mind telling me what RO water is? Also, will my Huma Huma Trigger bother the crabs? Currently, I have a Choc Chip Star, and a larger Hermit Crab. I'm guessing that this is not enough.