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  1. duff

    lookin for fish in NJ

    Go to the Hidden Reef, they have amazing tanks. Its on roosevelt blvd. in philadelphia.
  2. duff

    White stripes on yellow tang? Concern?

    Not to be a smart***, but it sounds just like the gills on my Yellow Tang. Do they move in and out?
  3. duff

    water cooling

    Sorry I said 76, thats what it usually is- I meant 84. Is this hot enought to worry?
  4. duff

    water cooling

    My apartment complex doesn't turn on the air conditioning till May. My tank is really starting to heat up. Its about 76 right now. What would happen if i freeze block of my tank water and put them back in the sump to cool down the water. Would this be a worth while measure?
  5. duff

    Majestic angel

    I bought a majestic angel on monday that appeared to be healthy and eating in the store. Since its been in my tank it has been hiding and not come out once. His tankmates are a yellow tang, maroon clown, bicolor psdo, and green chromis. What can I do to make it feel more comfortable?
  6. duff

    what tipe of seahorse is this

    That is a leafy sea dragon.
  7. duff


    Hi i have an excalabur in sump skimmer on my sexenty five. The problem is it has stopped producing any waste. It also produces alot of tiny bubbles in the tank. Any ideas on a fix?
  8. duff

    Has anyone ever keep a sea dragon?????????

    Is it a leafy of weedy sea dragon? If it is I believe they are endangered and it is illegal to own one.
  9. duff

    white bumps

    The spots are round and slightly irregular. They have been present for nearly 2 months on the tang and much longer on the clowns. The specific gravity was 1.009 for 1 month. The tang rarely scratches (I've only seen it a couple times in the last month). Now that the specific gravity is back...
  10. duff

    white bumps

    Yes, the brown bumps appeared after the white bumps. They are round and about the size of a pin head. The yellow tang had black spots, but no ich. There are approximatelly 10 bumps on each side of the fish. They are mostly on the upper part of the body and face. The fins are not really...
  11. duff

    white bumps

    I have two ocellaris and a yellow tang that have white/brown bumps on their bodies. They have been there for quite a while. Some appear to have healed and left a brown flat scar. They got worse when i lowered the salinity to treat black ich. Its been a month and I'm raising it back up now...
  12. duff


    I have two ocellaris in my 75 g FO and would like to add a maroon. Is this possible?
  13. duff

    Hiding fish

    I have had a Kole tang for about six months. He was happy, active and got along well with the other fish until just recently when he became very reclusive. Now he just hides all day and only comes out sometimes to eat. The water perameters are all good. There are 2 ocelaris clowns, a melon...