Search results

  1. claire_r

    Male clown of pair died!

    Just watch the two fish carefully when you add the new one. I tried adding a new ,smaller one when one of mine died, and the original perc quickly attacked the new one. Despite separating the two, the damage had been done, and the little guy died soon afterwards.
  2. claire_r

    High Nitrate I dont understand

    Hi, Vac Man! I had the same concern about high nitrates. I tried all the suggestions from this site, but they never went down. Finally, I took a sample of my water to my LFS. It turned out that my test for nitrates was not accurate and my water was perfect! h* Don't know if this will help...
  3. claire_r

    MaRiNe BiOlOgY ./././././

    Andretti, I know what you mean. Teaching seems to get lost in the shuffle with this job! We're too busy preparing for tests, taking tests, and reviewing tests. The rest of the time, we're in meetings to discuss the test scores or reading in the paper that the children would get better scores...
  4. claire_r

    MaRiNe BiOlOgY ./././././

    Yeah, I guess you're right. It's better to learn to like what you do, or at least be able to stand it! Those people who say they love their jobs are probably just delusional, anyway! claire
  5. claire_r

    MaRiNe BiOlOgY ./././././

    I teach second graders and I really appreciate the fact that summer break is coming!!! But my dream is to have gotten a marine biology education and work in that field. So now, I keep hoping that an aquarium will open nearby sometime soon and maybe I can work as an educator there. I care a...
  6. claire_r

    MaRiNe BiOlOgY ./././././

    Ophiura, What did you do at the public aquarium? Just curious - I wish we had one less than 2 hours away from here! claire :)
  7. claire_r

    OK,I'm stumped

    :) See why I don't usually try to answer! Oh, well. Hope you figure it out! claire
  8. claire_r

    OK,I'm stumped

    Hey, Train. I'm no expert (quite the opposite), so I don't like to try answering questions, but...could your test kit be off? Just a thought. claire
  9. claire_r

    sand bed cleaners?

    :D Thanks, Snipe! I'm headed to the LFS tonight or tomorrow! claire
  10. claire_r

    sand bed cleaners?

    :yes: Thanks, loup!
  11. claire_r

    sand bed cleaners?

    Hi, all! I haven't posted in quite a while, but I'm still reading the posts when I can. This site is so awesome! My 29g has been up for about 10 weeks now. My two ocellaris are such fun to watch. My daughters love the way they wiggle so much! I'm planning to add a neon goby soon. I also...
  12. claire_r

    my cleaner shrimp

    Thanks for the tips, but yeah, I checked his body (yuck!). His insides were still there. That's how I knew. On a more positive note, the rest of the "critters" seem to be doing very well. My two clowns have settled in nicely. The slightly smaller one keeps pestering the bigger one by...
  13. claire_r

    my cleaner shrimp

    Thanks, SW_H2O. As for the death, I'm very certain. I picked up the body and it was not empty, though his limbs were all there. :nope: I guess I'll check into this more before I buy any more shrimp, though.
  14. claire_r

    my cleaner shrimp

    Jacques, my cleaner shrimp who would "run and jump" onto my hand whenever I did anything in the tank, was found dead this morning! Everything has been doing well in the tank, so on Friday I finally got my first fish - 2 clowns. They're gorgeous and they've been eating well. I also got a...
  15. claire_r

    where are they?

    :) Thanks, guys. I'll sneak up on them tonight to see. So...probably not aliens?! :D
  16. claire_r

    where are they?

    :notsure: Suddenly I can't find my 2 peppermint shrimp! I haven't seen them in a couple of days or so. My cleaner shrimp, snails, emerald, and hermits are okay. I checked my water parameters and they were all fine. My tank is 29g. temp. 80 ph 8.2 ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates still around...
  17. claire_r


    maeistero: ha ha Nobody would know what a romantic you are unless they look and the new hobbiest forum!
  18. claire_r


    :) aww, that's really sweet! That I can do.
  19. claire_r

    Skarlet Skunk Cleaner

    My cleaner is such a little puppy dog! Whenever I sit and stare at the tank (several times a day LOL) he "runs" up to the front to look back at me. This afternoon I reached down into the tank for something and before I could pull my hand back out, he and one of my peppermint shrimps were all...
  20. claire_r

    Valentines Day

    Thanks for the great responses, everyone (except Jason). It's nice to hear from so many romantics. scoobydoo, I tell him all the time, too. I think he's so used to hearing it that he doesn't realize how much I really mean it! This is the best place for advice! claire:D