Search results

  1. k8eydid

    STN? Bleaching? What is it, what do I do?

    Thanks Gator, I have inspected and found no crabs, good or bad. The line of polyp recession does not appear to be getting any further up the branches as of today. I did move one of the overflow outputs to aim directly at the coral so it is getting as much flow as possible now. I will keep my...
  2. k8eydid

    STN? Bleaching? What is it, what do I do?

    what other sps do u hv? I have no other SPS but have some LPS, Frogspawn, Favia, Acan, Brain - all are OK - and a few softies & shrooms calcium level to alk. try checking ur parameters and let us know. - Salinity 1.024 Cal 340 - will be adding supplement to boost this dKh 11 - Sorry no Alk...
  3. k8eydid

    STN? Bleaching? What is it, what do I do?

    220 gal set up... Lighting: 3 175W MH two 14K (sides) and one 10K (center), 4 65W PC actinic 420-460 with cooling fan in hood Filtration: two overflows (rear corners) into the 30 gallon Sump containing sections for mechanical (sponge), protein skimmer, biological (bio balls), fuge (CC & LR)...
  4. k8eydid

    STN? Bleaching? What is it, what do I do?

    Hi all I introduced this birdsnest 2 weeks ago and did not notice if the base showed signs of STN or bleaching when I purchased it, but in the past few days I see the white at the base and lack of polyps. Can anyone ID if this is STN or bleaching? I think if it was RTN, the coral would be dead...
  5. k8eydid

    hair algae

    Lots of good advise here and on other threads for resolving the hair algae problem. I am considering purchasing a sea hare, zebra snails and spiney urchin to help keep the algae at bay. My current 220 reef tank does contain a 30" snowflake eel and I am wondering if he will make a quick meal...
  6. k8eydid

    Harlequin Sweetlips

    Hi All I need some information from those who have or have had a Harlequin Sweetlips. I know they get VERY LARGE (up to 28-36") but how long does it take a juvenile to get this big? Also, any other information and experiences will be helpful Thanks!
  7. k8eydid

    Cycle in record time!?! Can a jump start be this fast?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Don't worry about the diatoms, they happen in any new tank or with a cycle. They will subside. ...Then move the fish, then the corals when ammonia and nitrite fall back to zero and stay there for at least a week. Thanks SQ! If the parameters are all at 0 for 1...
  8. k8eydid

    Cycle in record time!?! Can a jump start be this fast?

    Thanks for the input - the LR and CC came right out of the 55 and into the sump of the 220 - very well cured (5 years). My only concern is the diatoms - I want to wait until the bloom disapates. Also, I have 3 fish, more BL hermits, 1 sally lightfoot, 1 purple lobster and more LR to go into...
  9. k8eydid

    Cycle in record time!?! Can a jump start be this fast?

    Hi All! Upgrading from my 55 reef (established 5 years) to a 220 and used every jump start method I could to get the cycle started with the exception of adding (torturing) any livestock. After 6 days I have Diatoms! Day 1 pH 8.4, Salinity 1.024, Temp 76, NH3 0, NO2 0, NO3 0 Day 2 pH 8.4...
  10. k8eydid

    when will the Diatom go away

    Originally Posted by Greg803 I added a snowflake eel last week and I havent seen him since. Might be dead Any luck locating the Eel? Is your cover secure? They are great escape artists. Check the floor around the tank
  11. k8eydid

    Can you have too much water flow?

    Originally Posted by Gillyweed 20 to 30 times your tank size is generally good; : Thanks Gilly, we are upgrading from a 55 reef to a 150 and you answered one of our questions. We have a 1000 gph for the sump/fuge return and were planning on adding another pump for more flow. We don't want to...
  12. k8eydid

    request feedback on 180g setup

    Hi, Nice set up! We are in the process of upgrading from our 55 gal reef to a 220 gal. Main pump for the sump retun is 1000 gph and we are planning 2 returns split to 4 directions. We want to add more flow for the corals but Hubby does not want anything hanging in the display tank (power...
  13. k8eydid

    The always elusive purple reef lobster

    Here is a pic of my lobster. He has been in his cave since introduced to my tank 1 month ago, luckily I have access to the back of the tank and can see him when I want to. I feed him a small piece of raw scallop about every 3 days and he has molted once already. Pretty cool! He moves around...
  14. k8eydid


    Originally Posted by PerfectDark But my question to you all is, do you notice any of your snails reproducing in your tanks? About a month ago I noticed about 50 tiny white snails in a group on the back glass of my reef tank. They were about the size of a pin head and I could not tell what type...
  15. k8eydid


    I am interested in the tank only. I just replied to your original sale post. I am in the Pocono's and can be to Philly in 1 & 1/2 - 2 hours. Is it drilled (overflows)? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks~
  16. k8eydid

    **MUST SELL ASAP from Philly!!!

    Hi, I am interested in the tank only. Is it drilled (Overflows)? I am in the Pocono's and can be to Philly in about 1 & 1/2 hours. How much livestock is left and when do you think it would be available? Thanks~
  17. k8eydid

    Upgrading to 210

    Hi, I have a 55 gal reef tank set up and running for 4 & 1/2 years and today my hubby brought home a 210 gal tank (a deal he could not refuse), not new but never used. We are looking for advise/input/suggestions on just about everything. Lighting, filter systems, sumps, pumps...
  18. k8eydid

    Leaking Fluval...I have HAD IT!!!!!

    I moved the filter to the floor and now the top of the canister is below the bottom of the intake nozzel. Gravity was all that was needed. :jumping: :happy: :jumping: :happy: :jumping: :happy:
  19. k8eydid

    Problem Solved!

    Update - I moved the filter down to the floor and now the top of the canister is below the bottom of the intake nozzel in the tank. Gravity was all it needed. No air bubbles since yesterday! :jumping: :happy: :jumping: :happy: :jumping: :happy:
  20. k8eydid

    Leaking Fluval...I have HAD IT!!!!!

    Andretti, My frustration led me to contact Hagen Corp via email. I got a reply from them and sent another response. Below are the messages: It might be worth it to send them some email - maybe there is a problem they need to know about. Request : I have a Fluval 404 filter that has been in...