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  1. k8eydid

    Leaking Fluval...I have HAD IT!!!!!

    Sorry for the late post on this subject but recently I have had a problem with my Fluval 404 blowing air into the tank. I have had it for a year and didn't have any problems until I changed the carbon and added a Phospate removal media to one of the chambers. Now there seems to be a leak ( no...
  2. k8eydid

    purple Nudibranch

    Sorry to hear about your purple nudi. I too had one for about 3 days. It seemed happy and healthy upon arrival but it didn't last. We went back to the LFS that we bought it from recently and they had another in the tank for sale. We asked what the secret to keeping them alive was and even he...
  3. k8eydid

    meat coral

    We recently purchased what was sold to us as "scolymia" but after further research at this site ( I have decided that what we have is Cynarina. Take and look and maybe you will be able to ID your new purchase.
  4. k8eydid

    Algae on my sponge

    Thanks for the advise. We are moving "bob" to the dark side. I have about a dozen small red legged hermits, an emerald crab, a red crab, a coral banded and a cleaner shrimp. I hope these guys do their job and clean him up.:D
  5. k8eydid

    Algae on my sponge

    Triab, Thanks for the reply. Will the algae come off once I move the sponge into the shadows? It is already at the bottom of the tank. Kate
  6. k8eydid

    Worried about toadstool.

    Adam, Your lighting is at 4 wpg and your leather may have been used to a higher wpg. Mine took about 1 week to get used to it's new home and the feelers didn't even come out until then. I don't know about the green color though. Also, I keep my calcium level at at least 450 - do you use a...
  7. k8eydid

    Algae on my sponge

    Does anyone know a safe way to remove algae from a ball sponge? Our orange sponge has been in the tank for two weeks and today I see there is a small amount of algae (brown, not hair) on it. It is also on some of the yellow polyps that emerge from it to feed. Someone suggested that I use a...
  8. k8eydid

    tiger tail sea cucumber

    Hi I just purchased a tiger tail cucumber today. I never saw one before and the hubby just had to have it. I have a 55 gal w/LR, coral, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 emerald crab, 1 seabae clown, 1 yellow tang, 1 blue tang (juvenile), 1 mandarin goby, 1 firefish goby & 2 blue...
  9. k8eydid

    Its taken over

    Rob, Great articles, very informative. Will be keeping these for future reference. Thanks! Kate
  10. k8eydid

    Chem Marin Stop Parasite anyone?

    Has anyone tried this product to treat parasites in a reef tank? I have a hippo (who is difficult to catch) that appears to be infected with Ich. I tried a FW dip and he was OK for 2 days but now it's back. I have LR and corals (mushrooms, xenia, toadstool leather, hammer & torch). This...
  11. k8eydid

    Flame attacked by Yellow Tang - need help

    Beth, Thanks for the med info. Unfortunately the angel did not survive. Also, upon further inspection of the body, we think the tang was not the culprit but rather our CB shrimp. The wounds were not straight cuts but were more like sections of gauged out scales. We are thinking the attach...
  12. k8eydid

    Flame attacked by Yellow Tang - need help

    I think my flame angel was attacked by my yellow tang. These two fish have been tank mates for 2 weeks with no problems. They were both introduced to the tank together. I have not seen any agression from the tang against any other fish yet. Last night I noticed the flame was in hiding in the...
  13. k8eydid

    Flame angel questions (ASAP)

    My flame received today:joy:
  14. k8eydid

    1st LIVE order from

    and the flame angel. I love this pic
  15. k8eydid

    1st LIVE order from

    Here's the yellow tang
  16. k8eydid

    1st LIVE order from

    Chuck, Thanks. Just another note on the packaging. I am in the Pocono Mts of Pa and temp here today was 45. SWF taped 2 heat packs in the styrofoam container and they are still warm. Over 30 hours from shipment time.
  17. k8eydid

    Ohhhh NO!!!!! What should I do? Need Advice quick

    If you're putting the angel in the 10 with the damsel, wait to see how they react before you take your damsel away. I put my new angel in the display today and there are 2 damsels in there that have been there for 4 weeks. They are not bothering the angel at all. JM2C Kate
  18. k8eydid

    Flame angel questions (ASAP)

    See my new post "1st live order from" posted today
  19. k8eydid

    1st LIVE order from

    Hi folks! I just wanted to let you all know that I just received my first live order from today and I am blown away! WOW was my first reaction! I received a flame angel, royal gramma, yellow tang, yellow polyps and ricordea mushrooms. All were larger that I imagined they...
  20. k8eydid

    So do I keep the hippo?

    But...But...I thought "ALL Drains Lead to the Ocean"... That's only in Syndey, Austraillia, right?:D Only had to get rid of the "leader of the pack". The dominant large damsel. The smaller two remain. I could not find anyone to take this menace fish.