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  1. ghostiroc

    Death Death Everywhere

    So i did the big switcharoo. I went from 55gal to 125 and all the parameters looked good. I got the fish out of the small little tank, acclimated them for a few hours in a bucket with a heater and the put them in the new tank and da da they are dropping like flies. So far I have lost my sgt...
  2. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    Well that saying no news is good news... what a bunch of BS~ I got a call today from Fedex out in Bloomingdale California...well come to find out that the whole {Edit language}box was EMPTY. Now I have to go and File a {Edit language} claim or some crap and see about getting my items replaced or...
  3. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    Just glad someone was able to get a good laugh outta my misfortune! UGH no on to the waiting... ***)
  4. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    Well the 30 pound box came... it was mashed all to hell, but it was in there. I rinsed it. I am still waiting for the 60 pound box to come. I called Fed ex and they tracked it down, its still in Bloomington CA. It is in a damaged box they said but I told them to ship it anyhow, its rocks how bad...
  5. ghostiroc

    New In MD

    You can email me @ and I can tell you a few places in MD, maybe not midwest but still good also a place in PA if you are interested.
  6. ghostiroc

    Guaging prices on used setup -Arizona

    We just went to our LFS and asked if they had any deals on a setup, tank, stand , lights and covers 125 gallon and they said yeah they sell them as a kit but only when asked otherwise they just let you buy everything seperately and spend a crap load more money. We got all that, 125 gallons for...
  7. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    still no boxes
  8. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    :thinking: Well the numbers are working now... says they were shipped at 6pm last night CA time... thats about the same time he sent the emails. So i guess we will see.... wish me luck! How long does it take to get fedex Ca to my doorstep any ideas? :happyfish
  9. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    I just got an email from him...supposedly they got damaged in transit and resent via fedex. He sent 2 fedex numbers but so far they are saying invalid numbers unless I am doing something wrong. I checked his paypal account and this seems to be a common excuse, I guess a box full of rocks could...
  10. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    Still nothing... This guy is a jerk
  11. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    Originally Posted by n2theblue I would not give up yet, just would advise against doing business with them in the future. Well I most certainly think not. This baserock is the only thing keeping me from setting up the new 125. If I had this guy in my hands he would get a severe throttling and...
  12. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

  13. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    i cant get the company to answer any emails.... I have emailed them at the address on their site as they do not have a phone number on there. I got one email said that my paypal payment was received. And to email him with any questions. I checked ripoff report he isnt on there, and his ----...
  14. ghostiroc

    Try it this way....

    Ok so I ordered 100 pounds of baserock not from on the 14th of July. It hasnt come as of yet and I am not sure how long it is supposed to take to get to Ca to MD (21921) They said they ship UPS ground, because its dry not wet so it does NOT have to overnighted....its not alive... How...
  15. ghostiroc

    Has anyone used this company?!?!

    I bought about 100 poonds of baserock from {EDIT}
  16. ghostiroc

    OK, Lets hear the crazy combinations...

    In my 55g tank i have, a huge domino damsel , a sergent major, a 4 striped damsel, a electric blue damsel, a lunar wrasse, a yellow tang, a lavender tang, a algae blenny, a bicolor angel fish, 2 niger triggers, 8 blue legged hermits, and a clarks clown a dogface puffer ( I just couldnt resist...
  17. ghostiroc

    Grey coast Calcite Question

    No i meant how do I clean it once it was in the tank, like when I do my water changes. I usually use the python to suck all the nastiness outta the coral will it suck the substrate out of the tank because it is so fine?
  18. ghostiroc

    Aquarium Substrate Question

    I got grey shore Calcite Substrate for my new 125 gallon fish tank. I had originally been using crushed coral in my 55 but i am upgrading and wanted a new look. But I didnt know it would come so fine, my question is, that I usually use my python to clean my tank substrate but Now what do I use...
  19. ghostiroc

    Grey coast Calcite Question

    I guess my biggest question is that this stuff is like sand so how do i clean it? Can I still use the python like i did before when i had the crushed coral in there or do i have to modify it? Someone said to put a pantyhose on it but I thought maybe I would ask everyone else and see what the...