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  1. beau24

    feather duster question

    send it back and get another one
  2. beau24

    does anyone no some good sites to put my pictures on

    i need to no a good site to put my pictures on because no one seems to be able to see my pics at
  3. beau24

    how many pounds of southdown/live sand for 75g tank?

    i agree but you should always buy a little extra just in case
  4. beau24

    can anyone tell me what fish this is?

    why isnt anyone replying?
  5. beau24

    Sea apple and Foxface fish 4 reef

    a sea apple is a definate no no but a fox face is alright just keep an eye on it
  6. beau24


    all this is is a protectent of its self ,it will use that layer to protect it self from things, but if it starts to shrivel up i would take it out because that means its dying
  7. beau24

    can anyone tell me what fish this is?

    I have had a hard time trying to figure out what fish this is,
  8. beau24

    can anyone tell me what fish this is?

    i have had a hard time figuring out the species of this fish , the store i purchesed it off said that they didnt no what it was either can anyone help me?
  9. beau24

    little white cotton things

    this is some sort of mould or diesese. i think that u should keep an eye on it , it is a coomon fish diesese but ive never heard it to be on a coral. i suggest u just keep it very clean and happy because it may turn out to be something bad
  10. beau24

    What is the max

    about 5 an inch long
  11. beau24

    just some pics of widlife in my tank

    its just some pics that i took with my new digital cam (i am still learning with it).
  12. beau24

    elegance coral

    elegance coraldo sometimes get this but it isnt a major problem,it is probably just stressed from being in a new tank , it will be fine
  13. beau24

    Going sexual

    they will go asexuall in there growth in order to make eggs its self , dont worry about it
  14. beau24

    Emerald Crab Question

    it probably wasnt tank bread and thinks its still in the wild, it is probably sendout sperm to find a mate
  15. beau24

    Lobsters In reef tanks

    a lobster is very hardy but they will attack anything much smaller than them, if u decide to get one remeber they wont live comfertably in anything less than a 60 gall tank
  16. beau24

    brissle worms

    they have been known to kill themselves if attacked by arrow crabs , and they amonia in a bristle worm can take out a whole tank. i suggest traps.
  17. beau24

    black urchin/ coral killer?

    black urchins are very shy creatures. they will not harm any coral bigger than it. they will usually just hide. :)
  18. beau24

    20th month pics!

    one word ... BRILLIANT
  19. beau24

    stay anemone stay

    pherhaps it moved around the back because the current was pushing all the excess food around . try placing it were u wont it and changing the current so it brushes just past it . it should hopefully like that. :)
  20. beau24

    suggestions on lights

    2 ft