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  1. linda5749

    Protein Filter

    I have 2 light one white and one blue that is attachedto a metal strip that was made for me by a individual that has a saltwater business out of his home. I believe that I have enough lighting as I told him what I wanted to do with my tank. I moved the rock that my anemones were on to another...
  2. linda5749

    Protein Filter

    I have had my tank up since about the first of the year. I do mean Protein Skimmer. I put live rock and live sand in it. I have only checked my alkinity and my ph. I have never checked my nitrates. I have had a problem getting my ph up above 8.1. I have been adding some liquid buffter that...
  3. linda5749

    Protein Filter

    I have a 30 gallon tank with a protein filter on it, and I would like to know how often it is recommended to clean it? Also, when I called the pet store they told me not to wash anything in tap water. I don't understand how you get things clean by just dipping them in fresh or salt water that...
  4. linda5749

    Reef Tank

    :happyfish Thank you for answering me so soon. I was told today that you can not use a 29 gal for reef. That is my goal. I think they are so beautiful. I am in the process of getting a Protein Skimmer and Lights. so I guess I will carry on.
  5. linda5749

    Reef Tank

    :happyfish Does anyone know if it is possible to have a reef tank with a 29 gallon tank?
  6. linda5749

    New Tank

    Thanks, I doubt that they would take the Tang back, it is not a yellow as it used to me and has some red on the top of his fins, they told me at the pet store that he probably had a bacterial infection and told me to treat the water with some medcine. I did that but it did not seem to help, I...
  7. linda5749

    New Tank

    :happyfish Thank you for answering me so soon...Yes I have live rock, no I do not have anything in there except for live sand nothing else but that and live rock...I have just a regular filter that I used on my frehwater tank that fits on the back of the tank and has a carbon filter and a wheel...
  8. linda5749

    New tank

    :happyfish Hello, I am new to Saltwater and I have the most boring tank there is...I need some color and some advise on how to get the correct lighting, and any other helpful information to get me started. I have a 30 gallon tank with just one regular fluorscent bulb. I have just the regular...