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  1. bluecrab

    help identify growth in my tank

    I have a growing number of light yellow, roundish growths on my live rock. They have a small clear tube protruding from each one. I'm guessing it's a tube for feeding. They feel kind of spongy. Any idea what these are, and do you think they're harmful ? I think I have something similar in...
  2. bluecrab

    Does Coraline Algae Grow in Cycles

    A while back my tank seemed to grow alot of new coraline algae for about a week. It then seemed to stop and just maintained it's level. At the time I thought something had changed to deter the growth. I am now again experiencing rapid coraline growth. I have made no changes in tank over the...
  3. bluecrab

    DIY MH canopy

    I'm going to order a 250w MH retrofit kit w/ reflector. I want to hang it above my tank. Has anyone made a fixture to contain a kit like this? I've been searching the net and found this retro kit for under $200.00
  4. bluecrab

    lighting suggestions for FOWLR tank

    I recently acquired a 180 Gal. acrylic tank. I plan on putting only fish with some live rock in the tank. I was thinking about getting (3) 175W, 10,000K MH lights and some VHO lighting. Do you think I'm wasting my money on the MH? Possibly doing an overkill when VHO would be sufficent.
  5. bluecrab

    coraline algae on acrylic tank

    I'm not sure how I'm going to proceed. The owner of the tank is asking $800.00 for tank, stand & canopy. I offered $500.00. We are still negotiating. I'm not too worried about the algae damaging the back because it's black. There really isn't any on the front. I guess I would like to see...
  6. bluecrab

    Surface Skimming

    I am not sure if this will have the desired effect. The bottom row of holes are adequate to return the amount of water you a pumping back from the filter. If you open the return valves more so that the bottom holes are insufficient to drain the water, then the water level in the tank would rise...
  7. bluecrab

    please help im a newbie

    I am not sure what your equipment looks like but it helps to follow the flow of the water. The water leaves the tank through an overflow or a tube and then goes through a filter. After the water passes through the filter it needs to be returned to the tank. Usually it is pumped back into the...
  8. bluecrab

    coraline algae on acrylic tank

    I'm considering buying a 180 Gal. acrylic tank. It has been in storage for 6 mos. and the back & sides are covered with pink coraline algae. I'm not sure why someone would store a tank like this. My question is how would I remove it? Do you think the algae has damaged the acrylic surface...
  9. bluecrab

    How long to get rid of "ICK"?

    I had a problem with ick shortly after setting up my 110 reef tank. I lost several fish. I installed a 15 watt UV sterilizer and have not seen any ick on the fish since.
  10. bluecrab

    coraline alage

    I've noticed since I put in a few more powerheads and raised my calcium level to 450, my coraline algae is really spreading. I have 4 watts per gal. in my 110 tank.
  11. bluecrab

    Can't figure this out?

    I too used Stop Parasite a couple months ago. It did nothing for my ick problem and I'm fairly sure that it caused the death of several shrimp that I had in the tank. When I bought some fire shrimp recently the LFS said to acclimate them very slowly. Adding a little tank water to the bag every...
  12. bluecrab

    Nitrate Issues

    Is it possible that you have too many fish in the tank ? I think that can cause high nitrate levels.
  13. bluecrab

    Is this tank too old?

    I don't know who made the tank. I am going to see it tonight. It housed fresh water fish until recently. I think the family is moving or else they're just tired of maintaining it.I would like to use it for a FOLR tank. They're asking 500.00 for it. If it's in decent shape and the stand is...
  14. bluecrab

    Is this tank too old?

    I'm thinking about buying a 135 Gal. tank that was purchased in 1989. I'm going to see the tank tomorrow and I would love your opinions on the age of this tank. Is there any way to restore the seals if they look questionable? I would hate for this tank to fail after putting livestock in it.