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  1. miamisaltwater

    Need a list of Reef Safe Fish!

    Yeah toddpolish besides its not count the fish and do the math its count the fish, get the tank size, find out how many pounds of live rock and corals and sand she has which have displaced alot of water so therefore find out how many actual gal. of water she has in her tank and then do the math...
  2. miamisaltwater

    A couple of questions Please give as much feedback as you can.

    PODS? Filtration System is A wetdry looking device...the water comes from the tank down through some bio balls and then into a section that has mud and a certain kind of plant....then it drops into another section of the wetdry where i have 2 pumps one small one pumping the water through an 8...
  3. miamisaltwater

    A couple of questions Please give as much feedback as you can.

    Snails were all dead except 2 and I found my sifter star dead aswell...Pulled out all the dead.......Tested My water again and Nitrites, Nitrates, PH, ALK and Ammonia were perfect.....Tested Salinity 2 times both times read 1.021..............went to my LFS and took a water sample just to get a...
  4. miamisaltwater

    7 Dead in under 2 Hours (Snails)

    It has been over a month but i did recently have a large amount of nitrites in the tank I think due to an anenome's death......but that was fixed
  5. miamisaltwater

    7 Dead in under 2 Hours (Snails)

    I bought everything brand new and set everything up myself and the ammonia level is at 0 (testede 12/1/03 5:30 P.M. ET)
  6. miamisaltwater

    7 Dead in under 2 Hours (Snails)

    No hermits here at the moment although I do have 3 horseshoe crabs and 1 sifting star
  7. miamisaltwater

    7 Dead in under 2 Hours (Snails)

    Oh and about the snails...yes I did turn them over only to find them back upsidedown.....I have had them since the tank cycled about 1 month ago. I dont know if they are dead I would hate to take them out if they are not but would hate more to leave them in if they are...
  8. miamisaltwater

    7 Dead in under 2 Hours (Snails)

    Well there is one that is larger and that one does happen to be more agressive/dominant than the other...but what does a mated pair mean for me...its the 2 perculas in the above pic I am talking about.
  9. miamisaltwater

    7 Dead in under 2 Hours (Snails)

    Also how do i tell if a pair are mated?
  10. miamisaltwater

    7 Dead in under 2 Hours (Snails)

    I noticed a snail turned upsidedown yesterday....when I came home today it was still there and I started to look around the tank........nothing...about 20 min later I found 2 more upsidedown and not moving or attempting to flip around......40 min later I had a total of 7 the same way all around...
  11. miamisaltwater

    My test results

    I bought Myself a Marine Lab kit and here are my results. PH = 8.2 ALK = Normal Range NH3/NH4 = 0 NO3 = 12.5 High Range 2.5 Low Range Salinity = 1.021 Water temp is at a constant 78 Deg. Any input/suggestions would be great!
  12. miamisaltwater

    Anyone In Miami?

    Hi.....Just wondering if anyone was from miami, knew any good places to get stuff (best fish stores etc.) and if there are any groups or anything of the sort
  13. miamisaltwater

    Powder Brown Tang with Patches

    Pics of black pin point dots .......oh yeah and the tang is about 2 to 2 1/2 inches
  14. miamisaltwater

    Powder Brown Tang with Patches

    Here is another pic
  15. miamisaltwater

    Powder Brown Tang with Patches

    I bought this Powder Brown Tang about 2 weeks ago and he was doing great till a carpet anenomie I had died and made my nitrite levels go through the roof...he now has all these black patches all in certain areas and a whole bunch of little pin tip size black spots on both sides of his body. Can...
  16. miamisaltwater

    Problem Pictures

    My tang is only about 2 inches long. I added the 2 perculas (both about an inch long) about 2 weeks after my lfs told me my tank was cycled (numerous tests on different days).......I waited about 1 1/2 weeks and then added a carpet anenomie (sorry if i misspelled) which was doing fine but hte...
  17. miamisaltwater

    Problem Pictures

    Ok last pic for this post I promise.......My tank was at a constant 84 Deg. so I added these 2 fans to lower the temp.....tank is now at a constant 78 Deg. at all times. Is that good or should I buy a heater to bring it up to 79/80?
  18. miamisaltwater

    Problem Pictures

    Wet Dry
  19. miamisaltwater

    Problem Pictures

    These are the only other fish I have in My tank along with about 10 snails, 3 horseshoe crabs and a Sifter Star........Oh and about