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  1. manger

    goneopora species id?

    the worlds smallest underwater record player begins to play it's sad sad song. anyway, i believe its daily blastings of concentrated phyto/zooplankton will prolong it's suffering and beauty.
  2. manger

    goneopora species id?

    can anyone confirm goniopora eclipsensis?
  3. manger

    goneopora species id?

    thanks DVS, but I was hopin that someone could help me a little more specifically or direct me towards where I could look. have you seen one of these before?
  4. manger

    goneopora species id?

    i bought this coral as alveopora 6-8 mos. ago., though it is either a branching species of goneopora or something completely different. can anyone id it? it has 24 tentacles per polyp and a branching corallum.
  5. manger

    what corals to feed?

    aarone: you just dose DT's once a week? Can you overfeed? underfeed? how do you know which you are doing? I dose every other day DTs, directly onto corals that i think prefer more murkey conditions. I have had good luck. i think my protein skimmer removes most of the zooxanthellae over the...
  6. manger

    bristles in the light..

    don't know why, but i had a similar strain of daytime bristle worms that started to pick at my corals. the good thing about daytime bristles is that search and destroy is easier and more fun than when you're in pajamas.
  7. manger

    what corals to feed?

    mushrooms and polyps benefit from supplements of phytoplankton that can be added directly to the tank or blasted onto the mushrooms w/ a turkey blaster. some types of mushrooms like an occasional feeding of meat.
  8. manger

    Bubble Coral Question

    i like the technique you suggested overanalyzer of scrubbing skeleton. do you think that this spec would be able to reclaim old skel? how long do you think it will take before i could break new forming stalk off if it can't reclaim? excuse blurry pic please
  9. manger

    Injured fox coral. what to do?

    thank you, will post new photo in a week. hopefully all will be ok
  10. manger

    Bubble Coral Question

    ok, i saw a pearl bubble in LFS with only a small bit of tissue in center of corallum and what i think to be the same very small spots that you speak of. I bought it, $8, knowing that the bubble couldn't reclaim the skeleton it had receeded from but hoping that the small spots, 1-2mm would each...
  11. manger

    "How old are You?"

    25 -matthew
  12. manger

    Injured fox coral. what to do?

    sorry was writting while you were replying. it was very healthy. with good growth
  13. manger

    Injured fox coral. what to do?

    the entire speciment was equally inflated from front to back, now not only injury is withdrawn, but area surrounding is pulled back as in picture. i think there might be a point to frag it at, but the break will be very ify, because its not really ready. does anyone know, will the injury...
  14. manger

    Injured fox coral. what to do?

    three day ago, my fox coral fell and its corallum broke. the rest seems to be ok, but the broken piece is waving in current suspended by injured tissue. will injury spread throughout organism? should I cut off injred piece? tissue remains intact. am I being too worried?
  15. manger

    ID please

    if its not spreading, i wouldn't worry, though they are known to be quite invasive once they start multiplying. if you choose to remove be careful as to not burst the bubble because this may accelarate their spreading/growth. they can jam up powerheads, filters etc.
  16. manger

    ID please

    is it a macroalgae bubble? how small?
  17. manger

    new bubble thx swf

    or under normal light
  18. manger

    new bubble thx swf

    after just 20 minutes in tank, new green bubble looks like this:
  19. manger


    i bought it as alveopora, though i agree with you after reading more about alveo. many many more polyps per branch, more than goneopora. wonder what it is. unfortunatel it is camera shy today, due to some heavy cleaning, here is a picture of it with polyps withdrawn.
  20. manger


    thanks sggavin, though i think a lot of it has to do with camera angle, though they are quite close, especially the pink and green star polyps. that is intentional. they check eachother's growth which is out of control.