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  1. j_treat911

    Compatibility question

    I have a 40 gallon tank with one tomato clown and one spotted hawkfish. I'm thinking about getting a green clown goby, a six line wrasse, and a fridmani pseudochromis. Do you think these five fish would get along in the tank? Would any of them bother some softies like rics or zoos? Would you...
  2. j_treat911

    T5 lights complete set-up

    what kind of bulbs are they? Brand and type?
  3. j_treat911

    what temp

    The tank I am currently setting up is 84 degrees and its going to be a reef, is this temperature okay or should i try to lower it?
  4. j_treat911

    WTB: Red Sea Berlin HOB skimmer

    Just like the title says ... I'm looking to buy a Red Sea Berlin HOB skimmer. If anyone has one for sale or knows where I can buy one for a good price ie. cheaper than $180, drop me a line. Thanks!
  5. j_treat911

    Aqua C Remora pro?

    The website says the Pro is good for 75+ gallon tanks, is it good enough for a 100 gallon tank or should I look for a bigger skimmer?
  6. j_treat911

    150 watts enough?

    Are there any other soft corals that I could keep in that tank with only 150 watts of VHO light?
  7. j_treat911

    150 watts enough?

    I was thinking about getting the VHO DIY kit and having 150 watts of light over my 40 gallon breeder. I was wondering if this is enough light for low light corals like mushrooms? If it is then what other kinds of corals can I keep under this light? The tank is 16" tall. I am also thinking...
  8. j_treat911

    need advise......

    That is a killer deal on lights! I'm looking for some as well where did you find such a great deal on your lights?
  9. j_treat911

    MH height above tank?

    I've read that you should keep your MH six inches or higher above the tank. I have a 40 gallon acrylic with a small black hood that fits just over the opening of the tank rather then a large wooden hood that goes over the entire tank. I wanted to get a retrofit kit to put in this hood but that...
  10. j_treat911

    Can I use well water?

    Cool, thanks guys. I pretty much knew the answer to that one already just wanted to confirm. Would a filter like a PUR water filter, filter out all that crap?
  11. j_treat911

    Can I use well water?

    I am on a well water system at my house and was wondering if this water is safe to be using in a saltwater tank? Hindsight says no because it probably has all sorts of minerals.
  12. j_treat911

    too much lighting?

    Wow that is a lot of light! I lot more then I thought it would be. Thanks for the info bro. I think I'll get a single 250 then upgrade later since they are a butt load of money. 250 watts should be enough for shrooms and polyps right? I want to eventually move up to anenomes. actually i am...
  13. j_treat911

    too much lighting?

    Well I'm not really sure of what clam I'm looking for. Basically it was just a for instance, could there be over kill kind of question. I guess I should have asked: How many watts of MH lighting should I put in my 40 gallon so that I can keep any kind of invert? Its about 16 inches in depth...
  14. j_treat911

    too much lighting?

    Is there a such thing as too much light for a reef tank? If i were to keep clams how much light would they need per gallon of tank? I'm just wondering if something like 10 watts per gallon is harmful to the tank animals.
  15. j_treat911

    Halide balists

    hey attml, could you hit me up with that website too??? thanks
  16. j_treat911

    lighting help

    could i get away with a 175watt to start the tank out with? at least to get it cycling with the LR and LS? what heat level should i get for the best performance in a reef? 10K, 20K? thanks
  17. j_treat911

    lighting help

    actually my tank is only 15" high ... the tank is 36x15x15 do they make 175 watt MH bulbs that are only 22" or so? b/c the opening on top of the tank is only like 24" long
  18. j_treat911

    lighting help

    how much light wattage am i going to need to properly light a 40 gallon reef? i want to have the flexibility to have different types of corals and anenomes. the problem is i want to get a retrofit kit for my existing hood but i have a truvu tank which means the hood is only 24 inches long...
  19. j_treat911

    anyone use A H Supply DIY kits??

    just found this website and was wondering if anyone has used their DIY kits with success. it seems too good to be true!!! also what kind of light setup would you recommend for a 40 gallon? wattage, # of lights, types of lights for a reef? thanks
  20. j_treat911

    10 gallon sump enough??

    i see ... well then i guess i'll have to see about this ten gallon and how much water it actually holds ... thanks for the info