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  1. my5girls

    Serious question?

    I have the Digital Rebel EOS XT and LOVE it. I just have the regular lens that came with it and we are looking into getting another one also. Hubby does Schutzhund with our dogs and we want one to really catch them in action. Just wanted to tell you that you will not be disappointed with the...
  2. my5girls

    Startup Costs

    I am in the process of setting up a 125 reef. I got the Tank (AGA), unfinished stand, canopy, and 2 overflow plumbing kits for ~$1200. The tank is drilled with 2 overflows, one in each end. I have a filter on order, to be built next month, that is a sump type with the skimmer that is another...
  3. my5girls

    AGA drilled 125 plumbing question...

    I jsut go tmy 125 AGA drilled with 2 overflows. They have intake holes on the top, middle and bottom. I also got the overflow plumbing kit. Is that the same as the durso set-up? IS it going to be loud with just the AGA plumbing kit? Also, how do you stop an overflow in a power outage with...
  4. my5girls

    Staining a canopy/stand...

    My unfinished canopy and stand should be arriving tomorrow for my newly ordered 125. I am planning on staining and watersealing it. But, I thought I read somehwere that you should not use a gloss on the inside of the canopy. Should I jsut waterseal the inside and not stain it? I was going to...
  5. my5girls

    Placement and # of DIY fans in 125 canopy...

    Tha canopy is open in the back. It is kind of on the short side though, maybe 7 inches tall. I am getting the retro lights with the UV shield so hopefully that will be alright as far as being about 6 inches off the water.
  6. my5girls

    Placement and # of DIY fans in 125 canopy...

    Would you go with 2 or 4 of the new Ice Cap 4 inch fans in a 125 canopy. 1 on each end or 2 on each end. Also do both ends need to blow across the water, pointing toward each other or one end blow out to vent the canopy? I am kind of confused on that issue. I will be running a combo of...
  7. my5girls

    Will this be enough flow/turnover...

    for a 125 reef? My tank will be drilled with 2 corner overflows. The return pump will be 1150/gph. I was also going to add the Tunze Turbelle Stream 6080 that is rated for 2250/gph. That is 3400/gph or about 27 times turnover. But will that be enough from just those 2 sources? I am trying...
  8. my5girls

    What is a good wavemaker and...

    If I went with the Tunze Turbelle Stream 6080: Output: 8500 l/h; 2250 gal/h plus the return on my sump, can't remember what it will be now but a mag 7 or 9 maybe?? Would that be enough flow for a 125 reef? Does this only push the water out in one jet, so to say, like a powerhead? how is it...
  9. my5girls

    Should I just get it all at once??....

    I am having a custom filter/skimmer/sump made. I can also add a refugium. I plan to do a 125 reef and am thinking that down the road I will need a refugium for best results. should I just go ahead and do it from the get-go? Is it hard to re-route stuff after getting it set up if I did not go...
  10. my5girls

    What is the difference between T5 and PC....

    thanks so much!!
  11. my5girls

    What is the difference between T5 and PC....

    I am getting 3x250 HQI MH but can then either get 4x96 PC or 4x80 T5 with it. It was suggested to me to get the T5 instead of PC but why? I will be doing a 125 reef. 72Lx18wx22h.
  12. my5girls

    What is a good wavemaker and...

    Powerheads to run it with? Where would you position them in a 125 reef? Thanks!
  13. my5girls

    What is the difference between T5 and PC...

    I am getting 3x250 HQI MH but can then either get 4x96 PC or 4x80 T5 with it. It was suggested to me to get the T5 instead of PC but why? I will be doing a 125 reef. 72Lx18wx22h.
  14. my5girls

    What is the most efficient and QUIET fan for a canopy...

    to cool the water. We will be putting 2 fans, one in each end of the canopy. What is the best, quietest, most durable brand? Should I go with bigger than a 4 inch one for maximum cooling?
  15. my5girls

    Is there a safe paint to use to paint overflows...

    That won't harm any future inhabitants. I guess AGA does not do colors anymore. I will paint the back of the tank, but what about the overflows? Is there any safe paint I can use so you can't see behind them also?
  16. my5girls

    Another question from adding sand

    I thought you could add uncured LR if you were first starting the tank? I thought it had to be cured only when adding it to an existing tank so as to not start another cycle? since this will be a new tank don't I want the uncured stuff to kick off the cycle?
  17. my5girls

    Exactly how do I put in a closed loop?...

    I keep hearing about them and can't find anything real definite about putting one in. I am ordering my tank next week. It is a 125 drilled with 2 corner overflows. I am thinking that a closed loop utilizes drilled holes also? Can I have them drilled in when they are drilling my overflows...
  18. my5girls

    Another question from adding sand

    I am wondering how to go about adding the sand. I am not going to be using live sand. I know to put the rock in first. I am going with 60 pounds lace HI rock, (maybe 90) and then about 90-95 pounds uncured live figi rock. I assume the uncured rock does not come in water..maybe wrapped in wet...
  19. my5girls

    Do you run a chiller on your reef...questions..

    What is the difference between the T5's and the PC's and why do you like them better. Actually, I can order them like that, 3 X 250W HQI WITH 4 X 80W T5 HIGH OUTPUT RETRO. I actually am doing away with the whole light hood and getting the retro fixture that hubby can screw inot the top of the...