Search results

  1. my5girls

    Do you run a chiller on your reef...questions..

    I am seriously condidering not going with the glass top. I guess they just made me paranoid about breaking bulbs. I don't plan to have any jumpers in there so I am thinking I should be ok not using it. On the light issue, I was looking at 3x250 MH with 4x96 PC...could I get away with the...
  2. my5girls

    Do you run a chiller on your reef...questions..

    LFS told me that it would be best to use the glass top. The MH bulbs could break if any water gets on them. Using the fans like that would mean no glass tops. Will that be alright to use that way? The lights will be on legs 6 inches off the aquarium. Is that too low to use no glass? The...
  3. my5girls

    Do you run a chiller on your reef...questions..

    I have no clue about chillers. I will be starting a 125 reef soon. Do you run a chiller? If so what kind? What brands should I consider..any to avoid? I would like something on the quiet side. How do you hook them into the plumbing..before or after the skimmer? Hubby is insistant on using...
  4. my5girls

    Is this a good deal or too good to be MH/PC lights..

    I found this at the aqua universe. Is this a good deal or a too good to be true deal? Anyone know anything about them? I would add the legs and the moonlights. If I run this with the legs and under a canopy so you think the external ballasts and fans will really cut out the need for a...
  5. my5girls

    What is a good dependable brand of MH/PC lighting...

    I am ordering for my 125 reef now. What is a good, reliable MH/PC hood brand. I need the 72 inch and wanted 3x250 MH and also wanted PC and moon lights with it. I have a canopy ordered also but they said it would fit a fixture on legs. I need the whole set up not retrofits... I would also...
  6. my5girls

    What probes do you use and..

    where do I get them. I am setting up a 125 reef and have a place for 4 probes in my sump. PH, and temp..anything else I need?? And I have looked at a few sites and can't seem to find any probes. Maybe I am just overlooking them? Also, I used to use a plastic thing, can't recall the name...
  7. my5girls

    Those with a 125 gallon... rock question

    I am in North Alabama in Hartselle..about halfway between Huntsville and Birmingham.
  8. my5girls

    fans for MH lighting...

    If I use the glass top on a 125 tank will the 2 fans that come with the MH fixture do any good? Do I need to leave it open top? I won't be using a canpoy for a while. Hubby will build me one later. Also is 3-250 watt MH bulbs with 4-96 Watt PC's with moonlights adequate to keep anything I...
  9. my5girls

    Blue or black background...

    for a 125 reef tank and why? I am leaning towards blue but what is everyone else's opinion on the color? Actually it will be the actual tank color on the back, not a tape on background.
  10. my5girls

    Anyone know anything about or use a Lifereef system...

    sump/skimmer? I am seriously considering purchasing one. Does anyone have any personal experience with it or know anyone that has. It sounds fantastic..just wondering if it was!
  11. my5girls

    Those with a 125 gallon... rock question

    How many pounds of rock do you have in there. Do you have full tank pictures so I can get an idea of what a certain amount of pounds looks like in this tank. I want mine to be on the full side so I am not sure what to start with. I was thinking of 120/lb HI rocks with 45 of uncured figi but...
  12. my5girls

    MH lighting for a reef...

    What wattage MH lighting do I need for a standard 125 gallon tank. I think it is 24 inches deep. I want to be able to keep anything eventually with no lighting restrictions so which bulbs do I need. I am also confused on the K ratings. What is the difference in those. Thanks for putting up...
  13. my5girls

    Position of overflows in drilled tanks..

    What is the optimal place for the returns? What do I need to look for in that?
  14. my5girls

    Position of overflows in drilled tanks..

    I think I might have read that an center offset overflow caused dead spots as far as current. Which would be better, overflow on the side or offset from center? This will be for a reef tank. What about PH on the "dead" side? Would that help with the current. I want to be able to keep...
  15. my5girls

    Live rock help....and other questions...

    What is a spraybar and where can I see/get one? The tonga is not branch..actually rock. I read that tonga branch was not all that good for lr filtration..meaning it does not have as good an area for the good stuff to grow. I may get a few pieces of branch for deco..but for my filtration the...
  16. my5girls

    Live rock help....and other questions...

    I am going to be setting my 55 gallon up for saltwater in about 3 weeks. Next year we plan to go to a ~180 bow, (putting hardwoods down right now, need to wait on the big tank for now) but will be doing the 55 for now. I found uncured liverock and am not sure on the difference. I found Fiji...
  17. my5girls

    RO/DI unit questions...

    So how would it work if I set it up in the laundry room? I am pretty clueless about it. Does it sit on the floor behind the washer? Will the water come out when I turn a valve or what? Can I hook it into the faucet only as needed and then bring it inside when not in use? I will let the water...
  18. my5girls

    RO/DI unit questions...

    I am looking into getting a RO/DI unit. I found one with 110 gpd at an ---- store. They also had a garden hose attachment. anyone know anything about it? Does that mean I can run it from my outside faucet with the hose attachment? I really don't have anywhere I can set it up except my...
  19. my5girls

    New 55 gallon setup help...

    I am ditching my freshwater to get back into saltwater. I did saltwater from 1996-1999. Things have changed a lot since then though. I have 55 gallon that I am going to convert for now. I want to go 125+ in the next year or so. (As soon as we put hardwoods down, don't wna to have to move it...