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  1. meltonius

    Berlin Protien Skimmer

    Thanks for the reply. I just set it up tonight and I have one stream of bubbles going up. The skimmer is adjusted to the waterline on the tube. My pump is a Whisper pump. It says that it is 20-60 gallons. Maybe it is my pump. Did yours bubble up right after setting it in? I have a Lime...
  2. meltonius

    Berlin Protien Skimmer

    I had a question about the berlin protein skimmers. More specifically the Berlin Air Lift 60 made by Red Sea. I just got it for my 55 gallon aquarium. I have it hooked up to an air pump and the air stone is not bubbling up as much as I expected. Does it take 3 days for the air stone to...
  3. meltonius

    hungry tang?

    I feed my yellow tang flakes, frozen brine shrimp w/spirulina, and some of the green algae. Mine eats like a beast too. With the frozen, I thaw the shrimp in a small cup and feed him in that way. He devours the shrimp and gets bigger. Hope this helps some.
  4. meltonius

    newbie fish choice help

    Just to throw my ten cents in. I have a yellow tang, scopas tang, tomato clown, coral beauty, and arc-eyed hawkfish. All of these are very hardy fish. I had to move the yellow tang, clown and hawkfish with my tank and they survived until I could set up my tank after the move. I have these in...