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  1. busymom

    coral lighting

    I was in the hopes that I could get some input on what lighting everyone thinks I should purchase. I have a 29 gal and have been looking around, attempting to learn what everything is, and see that 30 inch lighting is not so common? I would like to eventually, some day have an anemone so does...
  2. busymom

    pod question

    I am in search of some info about how to culture pods. I have read on some other sites about culturing in tupperware containers and wanted to find out if anyone had tried it, how they did it, and what success they had. I could set up a seperate 5 gal tank to do this but didn't know if that was...
  3. busymom

    shrimp eater & my tank's first death

    I should add that I currently have a glass hydrometer not one of the plastic big ones. Does that make it any better, or do you think that I should still get a refractometer?
  4. busymom

    shrimp eater & my tank's first death

    I would almost swear that I have read that there is a formula for converting the reading that your hydrometer gets at the temperature that your water is, compared to what the hydrometer is designed for?? My memory isnt the greatest but aren't hydrometers designed to measure water that is 65...
  5. busymom

    shrimp eater & my tank's first death

    I thought smaller tanks required more frequent water changes. Is 4 gal too much for one change. My coral banded shrimp has molted once since I have had him, the pistol shrimp is the one that died. As I said, I feed once a day, 2-3 flakes in a feeding. My lights are set to be on for 10 hours...
  6. busymom

    shrimp eater & my tank's first death

    My coral has molted one time. So I should not change water weekly? or do you mean that the twice in one week was too much, there was 4 days between them...
  7. busymom

    shrimp eater & my tank's first death

    I should have added that I use RO water and have been doing weekly 4-5 gallon water changes. This week I did 2 of them to try to lower those nitrates.
  8. busymom

    shrimp eater & my tank's first death

    I had a 2+ hour drive home from the LFS. I acclimated by floating the bag then adding about 3-4 oz of my water to the bag every 5 minutes I did this 5 times. So about 30 minutes total. My paramaters are all pretty normal. My nitrates are at 10-20 though. My salinity is 1.022 and my ph is...
  9. busymom

    shrimp eater & my tank's first death

    Well I think the photo says it all. I added a tiger pistol shrimp to my tank last night. He immediatly headed for a cave that is the 'home' to my chromis and sometimes to my serpent star. There was a little struggle when the pistol went in but he dug out a spot under one of the sides of the...
  10. busymom

    goby/pistol combo?

    I have loked around and have not found any information/opinions on this question. Should I introduce the goby fish to the tank first or the shrimp? Does one seem to have luck finding the established one more easily? Or should they be introduced at the same time? Or does it really matter? (Is...
  11. busymom

    Southern Illinois Area????

    Hello there, I am in Salem. Although I am new to this hobby/addiction, and may not be too much help to you. I too shop in Fairview or in Effingham. Good to know there are others around here. Where else can I find good LFS?
  12. busymom

    How much to feed??

    I constantly read about the dangers of over feeding. What is too much? I have a 29 gal with one fish (lyre tail chromis), 3 blue leg crabs, and a serpent star. Thus far I have 15 lbs of LR. It apears that they finish everything in about 2 min. Just dont want to over do it. I am feeding...
  13. busymom

    how is this all sounding... Im new to this

    Yes, I wasn't going to add an anemone until I could upgrade my lighting. Just wondered if they sold bonded clown/anem pairs. If that was the case then I wouldn't get my clown til I was ready for his/her anemone. Would some kind of cleaner or coral banded shrimp help with my clean up or are...
  14. busymom

    how is this all sounding... Im new to this

    I failed to add that my amm. is at 0. But I have not tested for any other things like calc. or phos. Do I need to do that at this early a stage?
  15. busymom

    how is this all sounding... Im new to this

    Wow first post for me here, but I have been reading here for months so I'll try to get all my details correct. I set up my 29 gal on Jan 10th with RO water & half live sand and half dry sand, 3 days later I added 10 lbs of live rock as well as 2 smallish not live but aquarium safe rocks. I then...