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  1. mflee9

    lights on or off

    WHile i am curing the live rock in my new tank, should I leave my lights off? I have 2x65watts pc (one actinic one 10,000k). I just checked the ammonia and it is sky high. > 6.2 mg/L SHould I do a water change? The tank is about a week old.
  2. mflee9

    coral fine yesterday, not so much today

    Hey Kathy, where in miami do you get your fish, water, etc?
  3. mflee9

    test kits

    Also, anybody from miami? Where do you get your stuff here?
  4. mflee9

    test kits

    what's the best test kit to buy?
  5. mflee9

    new 29 gallon tank

    Very nice. The rock looks great. Lots of stuff. Where did you get it? From this site?
  6. mflee9

    Anybody have pictures of their small tanks?

    Hey RYEBREAD, Where do you keep your powerheads. I got a 29 gal with 2 powerheads and a cpr2 skimmer. I don't see where your powerheads are in your tank. Are they behind the rock?
  7. mflee9


    rook question: What is fragging?
  8. mflee9

    powerheads for 29 gal

    I just filled my 29 gal with 50lbs LR and 30lbs of LS. I have a CPR2 Back pack skimmer. I have 2 maxijet 400 power heads. The Question: Where should I place the power heads?
  9. mflee9

    dust in water

    Alright then. I will leave it alone. Thanks for the replies.
  10. mflee9

    dust in water

    Thanks, but I forgot to mention that I only have a CPR2 Bak Pack sikmmer and power heads. Do you think the skimmer will get it? Or will the power heads and skimmer just blow the dust around?
  11. mflee9

    dust in water

    I just got a new tank, and I think I made a fatal mistake I forgot to clean the tank with water before mixing the salt with RO water. I prepared the salt water 3 days ago and I saw a lot of particles in the water. I thought the particles were undisolved salt, but I now know it is probably...
  12. mflee9

    bubbles with the CPR2

    Thanks Rye. Do you open the air valve all the way? It is producing sludge even with salt water only. I hope this is normal as well and not a sign that the RO water I bought isn' t really RO water. I'm going to put LS and LR in tomorrow.
  13. mflee9

    bubbles with the CPR2

    I just bought a CPR2 Back Pak for my brand new 29 gal tank. Nothing in the tank except RO salt water. Are there supposed to be a lot of tiny bubbles going out into the tank? The only way it doesn't do this is if I turn off most of the air from the power head. It doesn't seem to produce...
  14. mflee9


    What is southdown sand? What section of homedepot would I find it in, if they carry it here?
  15. mflee9


    Rook questions: Is VHO a type of fluorescent lighting? Given the choice between power compact lighting and VHO, which is better?
  16. mflee9

    anemone for percs

  17. mflee9

    anemone for percs

    What type of anemone do percula clowns like the most?
  18. mflee9

    Spring Water?

    They charge 50 cents a gallon.
  19. mflee9

    Spring Water?

    I went to the fish store to get Fresh H20, and the guy said they only sell Spring Water, not RO/DI. Is Spring water good for reef tanks? Thanks
  20. mflee9

    18 gal reef tank

    I am starting an 18 gal reef tank. I will have about 15-20 pounds of LS 30 pounds of LR How many and what type of fish should I add after the tank is cycled? Any suggestions? thanks