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  1. elkhntr

    Tank Mates

    What about a Tusk or a Grouper?
  2. elkhntr

    Tank Mates

    What about a Ray?
  3. elkhntr

    Tank Mates

    What else would you guys put in a 250 gallon tank that would be fine with a Horn Shark or a Banded Cat, I haven't decided yet. I am not sure what to put in the tank, so I hope you guys can help.
  4. elkhntr

    Skimmer Question

    Thanks for the help.
  5. elkhntr

    Skimmer Question

    I need a skimmer that will work for a 250 gal tank and can also fit underneath my cabinet. The bad part is the height inside is only 24". Can you by chance lay the skimmer flat? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  6. elkhntr

    Clown trigger

    Northern, In Boise.
  7. elkhntr

    Clown trigger

    Ok I have 150 gal. I was just making sure it would be enough. What can you keep or not keep with them?
  8. elkhntr

    Clown trigger

    I was wondering what is the minimum size tank you need to house a full grown clown trigger?
  9. elkhntr


    Splash what kind of lights do you have in your tank? Are they 50/50 or what?
  10. elkhntr

    Filtration ?

    I am not sure which to go with. I have a 150 gal tank. I was thinking of doing one of two things. Either getting a wet/dry trickle filter rated for 300 gal. Or taking a 30 gal tank and putting LR in it and use as a sump. Any sugestions?
  11. elkhntr

    what kind of tangs are the heartiest?

    Coral Boy, Unfortuately I did. The year before I took a nice P&Y 6x6. As for this year I messed up on about a 330 bull. Oh well, he will be 350 next year. I hope.
  12. elkhntr

    what kind of tangs are the heartiest?

    Thank Deuce
  13. elkhntr

    Puffers and Sharks

    I asked this very same question. In most people's opinion they don't go together. What type of puffer are you thinking about?
  14. elkhntr


    Splash1914: What other fish do you have in your tank.
  15. elkhntr

    large angles

    What is a good size tank for tangs? I have a 150 gal that is not setup yet, but I plan on putting a bamboo shark and a SFE in it. I know that tangs are one of the few tanks mates for sharks. Another question is how many tangs could I put in?
  16. elkhntr

    what kind of tangs are the heartiest?

    Coral Boy: If you get a Blue Hippo why does it have a 75% chance of getting ick?
  17. elkhntr

    I think I have a Problem Please Help

    There are 2 peppermint shrimp. They do chase each other around a lot. I am not sure if that helps any.
  18. elkhntr

    I think I have a Problem Please Help

    I have 4 damsels 2 domino and 2 3-stripe. On the dominos I have noticed some red spots around there eyes and on the front of there face. Also the 3-stripes have lost a little bit of their color. Can anyone help me? Thanks....
  19. elkhntr

    220 gallon tank

    splash1914 how big is your tank?
  20. elkhntr


    I have never done the live sand. Does the water have to go in first then the sand?