Search results

  1. elkhntr

    Shark and Rays

    I am sorry for not updating the Rays have been spoken for. The shark is all that is left.
  2. elkhntr

    Shark and Rays

    They eat squid, salmon, scallops, etc. Shark is 11" the rays are 6" and 4".
  3. elkhntr

    Shark and Rays

    I am reducing the price to $75+shipping for all 3. Thanks.
  4. elkhntr

    Shark and Rays

    The wife and I have decided to go a little different direction with the our tank. So we have to Cali stingrays we will sell for $50 together. And a wobbegong shark for 75$. Please email me for pictures. Sean
  5. elkhntr

    torpedo ray

    Tony What are the full dimensions of your tank?
  6. elkhntr

    Happy Shark

    Oh I forgot, what are the dimensions of your tank?
  7. elkhntr

    Happy Shark

    AC, if you don't mind me asking, how much was the shark? I would really like to have one. Aren't they pretty hard to find?
  8. elkhntr

    Happy Shark

    AC where did you get your port jackson? Could you post a pic of the whole tank? How big will he end up getting?
  9. elkhntr

    Post your shark Pictures

    How do you get the picture to come up?
  10. elkhntr

    Post your shark Pictures

    My new 17" Banded. I would like to thank. Jim27, Splash1914, and Novice150 for all the help and advice.
  11. elkhntr

    Can't seem to get the ammonia down

    It's a farley new test kit. The Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit.
  12. elkhntr

    Can't seem to get the ammonia down

    My tank has been cycled for 3 months now. For some reason I can't seem to get the Ammonia to 0. It stays right at .25. Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Sean
  13. elkhntr

    acceptable sharks

    Bamboo's or Coral Cats are.
  14. elkhntr

    bought some assorted eels,

    Snakes, Can you tell me anything about the Blue Ribbon eel? How big they get? Tank size? Feeding? Or at least point me in the right direction Sean
  15. elkhntr


    I am not trying to fuel a debate, but I have asked this question from a few different people on this board. The consensus seems to be no smaller than 180 for the full life of one BB shark.
  16. elkhntr


    CBSHARK, Post them. How big is your tank?
  17. elkhntr

    Splash1914(wet/dry ?)

    I actually saw both. I couldn't really figure out how to put it all together from your pictures. I am still unsure how to make the drip tray. The water line was the other confusion I had. The overflow boxes I have are rated for like 700gph, will that work?
  18. elkhntr


    I wrote a thread to you in the Equiptment part.
  19. elkhntr

    Splash1914(wet/dry ?)

    Splash, I found a old drawing you made for a wet/dry system and I had a few questions. I have a 250 gallon tank, what size of Rubbermaid container should I get for the main section, and the size of the smaller ones? What is a maximum flow rate I should have going in? And last, where did you get...
  20. elkhntr

    success treating bluespot ray

    AC how big of a tank do you have?