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  1. doobieman

    How many Power Heads do I need?

    I was told with the sea horses as long as there was no compitition for food, they would be ok, and so far that has been the case. The Seahorses have already had Fry.
  2. doobieman

    How many Power Heads do I need?

    40 to 50 lbs live rock, Dwarf Lion, Two True Percullas, 2 3" Sea Horses (have not figured out what kind yet), one sailfin Tang, one Cleaner shrimp. Also 10 Hermits, 16 snails and 2 emerald crabs
  3. doobieman

    How many Power Heads do I need?

    have no Idea what LR or F/O means. don't do well with abrieviations
  4. doobieman

    How many Power Heads do I need?

    I have a 55 Gallon Tank with a canister filter, a protien Skimmer and one small power head that does not move much water. I need to know how many I need and where to place them
  5. doobieman

    How many power heads do I need?

    I have a 55 Gallon tank with a canister filter and a protien skimmer. I also have a small power head that does not move much water. Can anyone tell me how many I should have and where to place them?
  6. doobieman

    DIY tank stand

    I have built 4 stands 2 for me and 2 for a friend of mine, 3 55 gal and 1 29 gal. all I did was biuld a 2x4 frame with 2 dividers in the middle and then wrapped it in 3/4" Oak plywood and stained it. I found no plans for this, I just biult them from my head, I will send you some pics later...
  7. doobieman

    odessea protien skimmer

    I bought this off of e-bay, of course it has no intructions. and all I know about skimmers is I was told I needed one. My question is how do you keep the bubbles from coming out the top? I took the air hose off the power head and now there are no bubbles at all, I am just not sure how this is...