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  1. gootz

    eel in a 50?

    are they good with triggers?
  2. gootz

    Please Answer

    Every time I post about the blue-line trigger no one responds so I'm trying again. Can anyone give me detailed personal experience on this fish and how much they payed. If you can post pictures. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!:needhelp: :needhelp: :needhelp:
  3. gootz

    eel in a 50?

    What eels are good for a 50 gallon. If some are too big, will they be fine for a couple of years? Also I'm not looking to spend over $100 so no hawaiin dragon eel, lol
  4. gootz

    Niger without fangs??

    fveeeeww! thanks guys i was worried
  5. gootz

    NYC Aquariums?

    New York Aquarium right near coney island. It's pretty good. Also there are 2 aquariums in conneticut. Maritime and mistic
  6. gootz

    Niger without fangs??

    Can someone please reply to my forums!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. gootz

    for Triggerfishman

  8. gootz

    cheap eel

  9. gootz

    cheap eel

    What are some cheaper eels beside the snowflake eel. Can you give me some prices?
  10. gootz

    Eels & Triggers??

    what is a cheaper eel beside the snowflake eel?
  11. gootz

    for Triggerfishman

    hey triggerfishman, how big is your blue-line and how much did you get it for. Also can you give me some information on this trigger from personal experience. Thanks!!
  12. gootz

    Niger without fangs??

    Can anyone help me out. My niger trigger is around 5 to 6 inches and is in great health ,but does not have any fangs. HIs teeth are really tiny for his size. Do they grow when there bigger or at one point before I purchased him, did he break his teeth?
  13. gootz

    Eels & Triggers??

    What eels can you keep with trigger fish in a 72 gallon. I will upgrade when my fish grow big enough.
  14. gootz

    Trigger Time

    Like it says post pictures of your triggers or most prized fish.
  15. gootz

    min. tank size for 2 eels???

    no I'm not to sure about eels but I doubt you can keep 2 in a 30 gallon tank, but your can really do wat you want. my friend has like 5 trigger all around 4 inches in a 55 gallon and their healthy and active. i'm new to salt water . only joined the saltwater game 2 years ago, so im not too...
  16. gootz

    trIggEr & EeL

    anyway do u know anyone who had a blue-line because that fish is so awesome and my LFS's never have it
  17. gootz

    trIggEr & EeL

    no way. For one about 5-8 inches its like 40 bucks not 1 grand 4 the hawain. lolz
  18. gootz

    min. tank size for 2 eels???

    i'm not sure about the mexican dragon but the snowflake only needs a 30 gallon tank. What filter do you have because the Mexican dragon eel needs essential filteration
  19. gootz

    min. tank size for 2 eels???

    i know snowflake eels only need a 30 gallon. That's the minimum for the snow flake eels.
  20. gootz

    min. tank size for 2 eels???

    what tank size do you have because I was on and it insists on really large tanks