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  1. trippclark

    Glass Canopy

    Well, I just got the new lighting and am transitioning. Before last month, I just had two 50/50 Normal Output 40W CoraLife bulbs. When I got the new ballast, I really was not sure what bulbs to buy, but ended up getting four URI Actinic White 110W. I installed two of these and the two 50/50...
  2. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    C-Balance is a two-part additive. Not sure of the ingredients, but here is the description: Supplies your reef with calcium, strontium, magnesium, and trace elements, while buffering at the same time. It is a two part, balanced ionic, marine supplement that produces an ionic residual with the...
  3. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Before this gets lost too far back in the thread, I'll post it again . . . So, once I get the Ca verified and things are balanced, what is the proper course for the two additives that I had been using -- the Seachem Marine Buffer and the C-Balance? Should I trash the buffer and continue to use...
  4. trippclark

    Glass Canopy

    Second picture . . .
  5. trippclark

    Glass Canopy

    Okay, since I have gotten no reply, I am guessing that maybe me description is unclear. So, I am attaching 2 photos. The first is a shot of the tank showing the wooden canopy. The second shot shows the glass canopies that I am questioning. Any ideas???
  6. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    I hope you get a good answer, because I am fuzzy on this too. KH is the closest thing to Alkalinity that I can find, and I think that they are directly related. My LFS did not have any saltwater Alk test kit, and there was a display that listed the KH as Alkalinity, so maybe someone can give...
  7. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Thanks Bang Guy! I really appreciate your advise and the time that you devote to helping the hobby! My LFS told me the same thing about the purifier, but I was not sure but whether they were not stretching it a bit to make a sale. Regardless, it is pretty simple to use and I have been pleased...
  8. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    I filter the tap water with Aquarium Pharm's Tap Water Purifier to create purified deionized water. I am told that this is almost as good as RO water. Anyway, I then cycle this water with a heater, powerhead, and air pump for 12 to 24 hours. Then, I add the salt to the 80 degree water by...
  9. trippclark

    Glass Canopy

    I have a 55 gallon aquarium with a full size wooden canopy with 4 VHO fluorescent lights. The canopy completely covers and rests on the top of the aquarium. Between the lights and the water I have two 24” all-glass hinged versa tops. I have had these glass tops since long before getting the...
  10. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Okay, for the past two weeks I have been doing frequent water changes of between 4 and 12 gallons each on average every other day. All told, I have put well over 50 gallons of new water in the tank (yeah, I know, each time I am also removing lots of new water also). Anyway, KH is now reading...
  11. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Slowly levels are improving . . . Now Ca is at 250 (up from 180) and KH is at 13 (down from 17). This is after about 4 water changes of 4-5 gallons each.
  12. trippclark

    Shrimp dying

    Okay, in previous threads over the past few days, y'all have helped me determine that my Ca is extraordinarily low (180 at last test; probably just over 200 now) and Alk is high (17 at last test). I have been doing 4-5 gal water changes every 1 - 3 days to try to get these back in line. Ph...
  13. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Jumping back a couple of posts, I'd still be interested in the following . . . What do you think are ideal readings for Ca and KH? Keep in mind that I am now fish only and "crew" but want to transition to reef after I get my water right.
  14. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    My lack of detail on the mixing of water is because I have only recently changed to a more acceptable way and am still working out the system. Until finding this forum about a month ago, I had always just mixed and poured -- no "curing" -- just making sure temp and SG was right. For the past...
  15. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Okay, here are the numbers . . . The KH (Alkalinity) in the tank is 17 I also ran tests on the water that I am curing to add on my water change tomorrow. That water is showing a 330 on Calcium and a 5 on KH (Alkalinity). So . . . I am thinking that increase the frequency or amount of water...
  16. trippclark

    Cleaning Crew Mortality

    You are correct. After many months of all to infrequent water changes I am back on a steady routine and trying to raise back up Ca and trace elements. Ca has come up 30 from 150 about 3 weeks ago. I don't want to spike things too quickly, so I am changing 4-5 gallons once or twice weekly...
  17. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Thanks Guys. I'll test and post numbers as suggested -- also I'll get an Alk test kit. I am going out of town, so it may be as late as Monday before I can get an update (hopefully sooner though). Tripp
  18. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Bang Guy asked: Can you describe how you mix your saltwater? Up until the past month I just mixed and poured (Instant Ocean) – and had been doing this for 10 years with no identified problems. Browsing on this board lately, I have learned and am now mixing with a powerhead in a clean 5 gallon...
  19. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Water changes -- I have done weekly water changes for the past 4 weeks since adding a crew and 2 fish. Each has been 5 gallons; so I have changed 20 +/- gallons in the course of the past month. I am using Instant Ocean. I have kits to test for pH, Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Calcium, and...
  20. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    I am trying to get my fish only tank (well, fish + crew) acceptable for other inhabitants. I do not use RO water, but use water filtered and deionized with the Aquarium Pharmaceutical's Tap Water Purifier. pH is at 8.3, amonia, nitrite, and nitrate are at 0 (well, nitrate is actually just...