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  1. trippclark

    Cleaning Crew Mortality

    Thanks. Yes, I am inclined to think that the blue legs are killing the snails and maybe the scarlet hermits. The only think that dissuades me from this conclusion is the deaths of all three emerald crabs and the sally lightfoot. I can't imagine a little blue leg hermit killing one of these...
  2. trippclark

    Cleaning Crew Mortality

    After many months of what I must admit was neglect of my tank, about a month ago I purchased a 20-55 Reef Package from and a percula and a yellow tang. The package included: 20 Scarlet Reef Hermits, 20 Blueleg Hermits, 20 Turbo/Astrea Snails, 1 Sally Lightfoot, 2 Brittle Stars, 1 Coral...
  3. trippclark

    Crystal Sea and the stuff that doesnt disolve

    I mix Instant Ocean with a powerhead for 24 - 48 hours and still have a small amount of undesolved particles also -- probably a quarter or half teaspoon for 5 gallons.
  4. trippclark

    Ice Cap Canopy Fan

    OK -- I must be a moron. I have just purchased for my 55g tank a new ballast and four 110W VHO flourescent tubes. This is a major jump from my current two 40W tubes, so I am expecting a little bit of heat. So . . . at the same time, I ordered and have now received an Ice Cap Canopy Fan . . ...
  5. trippclark

    Flourescent Lighting

    I have two 48s in there now with end caps; but it was a tight fit! I have never seen 46.5" available. Where did you find these??
  6. trippclark

    Flourescent Lighting

    Here is what I am leaning towards now . . . Scrap the Coralife Wizard. Maybe use it later in a fish only tank or sell it. Purchase a Coralife 4 lamp VHO ballast kit (pre-wired and complete with end caps . . . hard wiring the IceCap ballasts is something that I don't feel comfortable with) for...
  7. trippclark

    Flourescent Lighting

    OK!! These are 40W, so they are NO. I see VHO bulbs available from URI, but I wonder if my Wizard ballast will push them? I am guessing that it cannot . . . bummer. So I guess that 4 NO bulbs would be a little less lighting than 2 VHO bulbs. Reading elsewhere, I see a recommendation of 3 - 5...
  8. trippclark

    Flourescent Lighting

    I am not certain, but I always thought VHO. The Coralife Wizard Ballast says 120v 60Hz for 2 T-12 lamps, does that help?
  9. trippclark

    Flourescent Lighting

    OK -- so if I go with 4 flourescents (Metal Halide just scares me to death), which of the confusing choices is best? To read the descriptions, they all are great, but if that is the case why would the same company offer so many different bulbs? I think that the bulbs that I have are the...
  10. trippclark

    Flourescent Lighting

    Okay, I am confused about lighting. I have a 55 Gal tank with live rock, sand, 3 fish, coral banded shrimp, and a cleanup crew (hermits, snails, and 2 brittle stars). I would like to introduce some anemones and coral, but I am concerned that my lighting may not be adequate. I have flourescent...
  11. trippclark

    Coral Banded Shrimp -- need advice!

    I think that is what I am going to do . . . intruduce him and see. If they fight, then I'll pull out the wounded guy and put him in the sump. No, the sump is not lit regularly and has no sand bed. Although my water quality through basic tests appears excellent, I have had a VERY minimal bio...
  12. trippclark

    Coral Banded Shrimp -- need advice!

    The wounded shrimp is larger -- noticeably so. My sump is just a 10 gal tank with a protein skimmer. Not familiar with the term "fuge." I am just getting back into the swing of things after about 5 years of a dormant (more or less) tank. Trying to get geared up again.
  13. trippclark

    Coral Banded Shrimp -- need advice!

    Okay, I have a problem situation and need some advise . . . here goes . . . A bit over a week ago I ordered and received a package from that included several turbo snails, hermits, emerald green crabs, brittle stars, and a coral banded shrimp. This was my first purchase from...