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  1. trippclark

    VHO best combination

    Thomas, you are reading the post right. Back in October (???), I increased lighting significantly! I formerly had two NO 40W 50/50 coralife bulbs. When I installed the new set-up, in an attempt to minimize system shock, I first added two of the VHO bulbs and kept the 2 NO bulbs. I ran this...
  2. trippclark

    VHO best combination

    :help: I want to revisit this earlier post in hopes of additional feedback. I am curious if perhaps this light combination might be the culprit in an algae problem. Here is the situation. I have been experiencing a steady increase in brown hair algae -- on glass and live rock. I have a 55 g...
  3. trippclark

    Is this bubble algae?

  4. trippclark

    Is this bubble algae?

    Is the algae in this picture bubble algae, or something else? I'm trying to figure out if it is favorable or something that I should remove. By the way, I know that the anemone's are aptisia -- and not wanted (Peppermint shrimp are on the way!). Tripp
  5. trippclark

    VHO best combination

    So, is there any problem in me using all four white actinic?
  6. trippclark

    VHO best combination

    I have four 48" 110W VHO bulbs over my 55g tank (single ballast). Right now it is just fish, live rock, and crew. I hope to add corals in the next few months. Right now all four bulbs are URI Actinic White, but I suspect that this is not ideal, and that I should have some mix of different...
  7. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    cprdnick, Thanks for the tip. Did you boil in something else (glass perhaps) and then pour into film container, or will those little things stand up to boiling without melting? And when you say "keep closed plastic container in cool place" do you mean room temperature cool or refrigerator...
  8. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    Okay, researching a bit on the side . . . see that indeed sump would be a bad idea. I can just see one getting in the pump and getting sprayed back into the tank in hundreds of pieces -- each to start anew! I see lemon juice as a suggested remedy -- very odd; and Peppermint shrimp as a...
  9. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    Bummer . . . several questions though . . . How do you kill them? I saw elsewhere that you can use a kalk mixture. Is this the best method? I do not have/use kalk, but use tropic-marin bio-calcium, will this work the same way? Won't killing them poison the tank? I am guessing that putting...
  10. trippclark

    1 more powerhead?

    When y'all are counting these, are you including the return from the sump? I am thinking that I definitely need to add powerhead(s). I only have my return line from the sump, which is pushed by a Rio 2500 (748gph) and a single hagen aquaclear 402 (125gph) inside the main tank moving water...
  11. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    Any more ideas/opinions out there? Is this a welcome addition or an evil predator? If it is desirable, I return to the question from my original post regarding food, suuplements, and care to make them thrive. If undesireable, ideas for ridding myself of them? THANKS!!!
  12. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    Oh yeah, here is one more picture. A close up in which you can see 3 of the very tiny ones.
  13. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    I hope you are right. I don't need any Aptasia to deal with.
  14. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    And another picture . . .
  15. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    So, here are the picures. What do you think . . . anemone or aiptasia?
  16. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    hmm . . I can post some pics tonight . . . they look very much like the Curly Q anemones sold on this site (shades of brown . . . some slightly yellow/gold some slightly purple . . . but overall a translucent brown)
  17. trippclark

    Anemone on Live Rock

    Earlier this week I purchased a few pieces of wormy live rock to add to the live rock already in my tank (just a few pieces . . . <5 lbs.). Two of the pieces have numerous small anemone's (perhaps as many as 10 total from just a fraction of an inch to about an inch in sizes). Lighting in the...
  18. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Okay -- I did not know that you could use them like that. So one of the products is for Ca and one is for KH, huh? They say A and B on the bottles, but I assume that the fine print may tell me which is which. Unfortunately, I am not there now to check, but will in an hour or so. I thought...
  19. trippclark

    Raising calcium levels

    Okay, since I was getting disagreement between my two Ca test kits, as suggested I took a water sample to my LFS for them to check. Strangely (but preferred, I guess), the very old sera kit, which gave me a reading of 420 was closer to correct than my month old SeaTest kit which read at 300 or...
  20. trippclark

    Glass Canopy

    Shine~ON asked . . . do the glass canopies interfere with the lighting at all? Since I started this thread with basically this same question, I may not be the best to answer, but I think the answer is YES. Since getting the first replies, I pulled the glass canopies out and immediately noticed...