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  1. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by edwar050 sorry hex, nice anemone thought awsome colors, whats in the rest of your tank? NP:) It was jacked b4 you posted LOL. Just some zoos, made a mistake by buying a flower pot. Also have a leather. Fishes...Cleaner Wrasse, and Maroon Clown. Yellow tang...
  2. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    I love how this thread got jacked.
  3. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    Everything is ok so far.
  4. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by KimKissyFish Thanks for the Id's... I thought it was the scolymia.. just couldnt think of the name... Also, Yes, I would do a large water change, clean out all the tubes (fluval)... smaller water changes after that if you see any perameter issues. If all is well in 5...
  5. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by promisetbg Yes water changes will be be safe. Kim..the first one looks like a cynarina or maybe a scolymia to me. How much 30% on a 30 gallon? Anything I can add to the water? to make sure the other animals survive?
  6. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by Meadbhb Hiya, Yeap, when they die they release a toxin into the water. You may want to go to the clown anenome board and read some of those posts. Kim, Looks like a sand brain. I'm in love with one at our LFS but he wants $60 for it. Nice big one with great color, but I...
  7. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by Hexagon30 Posting my first Anemone. LOL Well found this little creature sucked up thru the filter and gone. Is this poisonous for everyone in there? The tank got cloudy I tried to get most of it out of the fluval intake, but I'm afraid there maybe more stuck in the...
  8. hexagon30

    Coralife Aqualight 96 Watt Quad 50/50

    Originally posted by verde_ad I think that light puts out a good amount of light. You could always go more, but you will have a lot of possibilities with that light. IC. I thought I was totally screwed, I guess I'm just partially screwed. LOL
  9. hexagon30

    Coralife Aqualight 96 Watt Quad 50/50

    Originally posted by verde_ad I think that rock work looks good. You may want to build up one side and sort of make a reef slope. You could easily accomplish this by adding a few pieces of rock on the left hand side. This would give you a place for a couple shallow water corals (bright light)...
  10. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by CBSHARK Why the LOL? I don't think that there are many anemones as beautiful as a condy. I've even had the urge to set up a tank full of condys and clowns. Good luck with the tank. The lol is for my random post. :)
  11. hexagon30

    First Livestock Post.

    Posting my first Anemone. LOL
  12. hexagon30

    Coralife Aqualight 96 Watt Quad 50/50

    Originally posted by Hexagon30 Well, here's my rockwork...the 96watt retro is bright, It's brighter than the tanks at the LFS, but I know that just because it's brighter it's better. Hopefully someone can give me a good recommendations.
  13. hexagon30

    Coralife Aqualight 96 Watt Quad 50/50

    Originally posted by verde_ad I dont' know what the depth of your tank is, but if you build your rock up you should be able to keep the more ligth intesive corals at the top and less light intensive at the bottom. That is what corals do in the wild, so it should work in your tank. Well...
  14. hexagon30

    Coralife Aqualight 96 Watt Quad 50/50

    Originally posted by tuningvis no.. haha .. i understand it's a hex... but is it a TALL HEX ??? do you have a pic? I'm sorry LOL yap TALL. my bad. The canopy and space above is so limiting. What would you recommend as far as an addition(wattage or otherwise) to the 96 watt. I saw a MH...
  15. hexagon30

    Coralife Aqualight 96 Watt Quad 50/50

    Originally posted by tuningvis is your hex.... a tall hex? if so you might want more wattage Ya hex. Damn I thought 96 watts was gonna be good enough. Anyone else please? :jumping:
  16. hexagon30

    Coralife Aqualight 96 Watt Quad 50/50

    What can I keep as far as livestock with this lighting on a 30 gallon Hex? It's an Aqualight Retro 50/50. I can't exactly find the specs. I think it's dual 10k compacts and dual actinics. 3.2 watts per gallon? or Do I divide 96 into 4? Thanks Reefers :)
  17. hexagon30

    Skimmer and Powerheads?

    Originally posted by Snipe You need to shoot for 20 to 30 turnover rate that is the gph devided by the gallons of your tank. It also depends on what you want to keep FOWLR or Reef. I have 21x in my tank right now I am getting ready to bust it up to 25x. What all do you have in the tank that...
  18. hexagon30

    Skimmer and Powerheads?

    Gmorning yall. 3 quickies; Will I still need a power head for a 30 hex tall? Also will a FLUVAL 304 hold the fort down or should I add a skimmer? TIA
  19. hexagon30

    Water Change Accident - Can it be corrected?

    Originally posted by ophiura If you are not trying already, try soaking the brine in zoe or selcon, or even letting it sit with microvert (so the brine eat it). This fortified the brine, which are otherwise nutritionally poor. Then see if he'll swith to other things and hope for the best! I...
  20. hexagon30

    Water Change Accident - Can it be corrected?

    The Wrasse for some reason is eating OK with the brine shrimp, but the guy's only been in the tank for a week, so I'll observe. Thanks for the water changing tip, I'll do that from now on. We kind of got the tank for aesthetic reasons, if it were up to me I would have gotten at least a 55. This...