Search results

  1. djessem

    looking for live rock

    ....i have some nice rock ill much r we talking about
  2. djessem

    New zoos

    Dude, please dont take this as an assault on you personally buit use it in the future to help you. There is way too much information out there regarding corals and what they need to ever buy one without first knowing something about them. before you buy more coral, research them and get...
  3. djessem

    Toadstool leather?

    It has had the light adjusted. The near 300 watts of VHo is relatively new. This did increase the watts per gallon considerably. Could this be the problem with acclimation to the new light? Is there anything i can do to assit in the shedding process or should i just let it have time to occur...
  4. djessem

    added pics of the toadstool from my earlier thread

    Pic of the stoll is added to the opriginal thread below. Hope that helps. polyps wont extend!..wjhats up
  5. djessem

    Toadstool leather?

  6. djessem

    Toadstool leather?

    Heres a pic of the two, along with a few others of zoos and one humongous condy
  7. djessem

    Toadstool leather?

    sorry i didnt say what was wrong with the stool.......polyps do not extend like .....toadstool cap is smooth ...they will come out just very minutely...almost like small bumps but never extend fully from the shroom cap
  8. djessem

    Its a fact..they eat them.

    There is also a species of nudibranch that will attack aiptasia but im not sure which species it is. Someone else in here may know......if not i could probably find it again.......but they will shred them up till they are all gone... without stopping!
  9. djessem

    48" FORMOSA DX 260 Watt Power Compact for sale

    email me....ill take it .......sold if not
  10. djessem

    Toadstool leather?

    Can anyone tell me whats up with my toadstool. Water tests are as follows: Temp 78 ammonia=0 trites=0 trates=.25 Ca= 420 dKh= 13 Lighting= VHO 48" Actinic white x 2 VHO 36" Actinic (True) x 2 PC 130 Watts Tank size is 90 and toadstool are near top with good current moving them. Water is not...
  11. djessem

    90gal 180gal Setups 2 Sump/refufe 1 Large Wetdry 1 Skimmer And Other Stuff

    Im interested in the Mh u have a pic of the setup....reflectors , etc? email to
  12. djessem

    175w Metal Halides for sale! (3 of them)

    IOf he isnt ill take it ....!!!!! let me know if he took it or not
  13. djessem

    4 New 250 W Mh Ballast

    Ill take two if youll sell them both shipped for 70
  14. djessem

    75 gallon wanted!!!

    your call!
  15. djessem

    Commercial display tanks?

    Give me that info regarding the tanks......send to sent yesterday
  16. djessem

    Commercial display tanks?

    me neither:confused:
  17. djessem

    75 gallon wanted!!!

    If you wanna drive to Charleston WV....ill sell you mine with a pine stand and glass tops for 300.00....need to know asap as i have one other offer on it
  18. djessem

    Hey acrylictnk!!! email me ! info re: commercial livestock display aquariums
  19. djessem

    Commercial display tanks?

    Hey me
  20. djessem

    Poll: Ideal LFS qualities????

    I am gathering information of this . Please respond 1. Level of reef hobbyist experience. ( N = less than 3 years) ( M = over 3/ less than 10) ( E = more than 10 years) 2. What ONE thing is MOST important to you as a quality in a LFS. A. Livestock availability/selection) B. Level of...