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  1. pruden_sac

    2nd death in a week... HELP!!!!

    Same thing for me, LFS said the c.alge needed the calcium. I trust my LFS guy so far. Is he wrong on this? Would the Calcium have anything to do with the death of the Tang & Naso? Why would the Blenny be so happy then?
  2. pruden_sac

    2nd death in a week... HELP!!!!

    Tank is 3 months old, water has been stable for 2 months (Ammonia=0, Nitrates=0, Nitrites=0, Ph=8.1- 8.2 for the last 3 weeks, Kh=12 drops). I'm adding calcium for the LR. See the rest of the tank info below. My Yellow Tang was one week old when he died (Last Sunday), Now my Naso died, he'd been...
  3. pruden_sac

    2nd death in a week... HELP!!!!

    Tank is 3 months old, water has been stable for 2 months (Ammonia=0, Nitrates=0, Nitrites=0, Ph=8.1- 8.2 for the last 3 weeks, Kh=12 drops). I'm adding calcium for the LR. See the rest of the tank info below. My Yellow Tang was one week old when he died (Last Sunday), Now my Naso died, he'd been...
  4. pruden_sac

    Naso is hiding, won't come and play....

    My Naso has been in the tank for 4 days and still won't come out to play. He just hides behind my LR. Is this normal? Is he scared? The only other fish is a Blenny that is pretty melow. How can I draw him out?
  5. pruden_sac

    How often to feed? (Naso)

    How often should I be feeding my Naso? I've had him 3 days and he's been eating, I just want to know what a good schedule for him is. Lettuce & Brine Shrimp (enriched). Anything else he should be getting? Paul
  6. pruden_sac

    Who's diggin' my rocks?

    Who's doin' the diggin'? One of them keeps digging under my rocks (they are seated on the glass so it's no a big problem), it just looks funny and I'd like to know who it is. Any thoughts? Blenny or Naso? Paul
  7. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    No Ick (as I quickly knock on my wood desk), I looked pretty closely. Everyone else looks very happy.
  8. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    The Yellow Tang died today. Now this has gone from just wanting to know whats happening to NEEDING to know. What other tests can/should I be running? I'm doing Nitrate / Nitrite / Ammonia / Kh / High Ph. Every thing is coming back great: Nitrate = 0 Nitrite = 0 Ammonia = 0 Kh = 12 drops High Ph...
  9. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    The Yellow Tang died today. Now this has gone from just wanting to know whats happening to NEEDING to know. What other tests can/should I be running? I'm doing Nitrate / Nitrite / Ammonia / Kh / High Ph. Every thing is coming back great: Nitrate = 0 Nitrite = 0 Ammonia = 0 Kh = 12 drops...
  10. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    The "evil twins" were 1" and 3/4", the Tang is 2 1/2". Either way they are no longer an issue, as they have been taken back to my LFS. Water was perfect: Amonia/Nitrates/Nitrites= 0's, PH= 8.2, Kh= 12 drops. I've been adding "Kent" Calcium something or other for a week (2times a week) and have...
  11. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    Oh, I forgot to mention, his belly looks bloated. Hope this helps.
  12. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    Water levels were perfect, 0's accross the board and ph @ 8.2, Kh took 12 drops. The other fish looks fine, Lawnmower Blenny. CBS, Crabs and snails are all happy. Please, any ideas?
  13. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    Just did a 10g water change and am testing the water right now (have to run to my LFS for this). Will update w/ levels in a little while. All I have for air is what comes thru the Protein Skimmer, not a lot but I thought this was enough? Should I add an air line to one of my Power Heads? I was...
  14. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    He looks fine, bright colors, stripe is yellow not discolored at all. But he is moving very slow and keeps moving to the rock and just laying there. Doesn't want to move, won't come out for food like normal. What's up? Any ideas? Tank is 3 months old, Tang has been w/ me 3 weeks.
  15. pruden_sac

    R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)

    He looks fine, bright colors, stripe is yellow not discolored at all. But he is moving very slow and keeps moving to the rock and just laying there. Doesn't want to move, won't come out for food like normal. What's up? Any ideas? Tank is 3 months old, Tang has been w/ me 3 weeks.
  16. pruden_sac

    Custom DIY Tank....

    I've got a good contact w/ my local Plexi Glass store. They claim they can make anything, and so far have made some incredible pieces for my race car that have been beyond what was promised, needless to say I'm very happy with them. I'd like to enlist them to make a custom tank for me, but first...
  17. pruden_sac

    Advice on personable fish...

    Puffers have been my favorite so far. I had 2 in a FW tank for a while, but they aren't reef safe so I won't be putting one in this tank. :( Is the Lawnmower Blenny known for digging? Someone has been making some pretty big caves under my LR lately.
  18. pruden_sac

    cant get damsels out

    My 2 Yellow Tail Blue Damsels have killed one of my Scarlet Hermits and they keep flipping over the turbo snails, so far they haven't been able to kill the Turbo.... yet. Very cute and kinda fun, but they are bullies. They are going back to the LFS this weekend.
  19. pruden_sac

    Sharks...... (the fish, not the people)

    Thanks for the advice. Still looking for any thing else anyone can add. I'm going to continue this in a new post (for questions about a "Custom DIY tank"). Paul
  20. pruden_sac

    Sharks...... (the fish, not the people)

    Ok, so just 1. I'm looking for advice not smart a** jokes. When I said I was open to any & all sugestions I should have clarified. "I'm open to any & all CONSTRUCTIVE & GUIDING sugestions." If the sugestion is; "don't do it in such a small tank, look at getting a 100g first" or how about; "That...