Search results

  1. pruden_sac

    Sharks...... (the fish, not the people)

    I'm interested in getting a Shark, looking for advice. I know that my tank is too small to keep one into adulthood, however my LFS is willing to purchase back once a too large (he has a 600g in the store where he has several). I have a 48G Reef (well honestly, there is only 1 coral in the tank...
  2. pruden_sac

    Advice on personable fish...

    So far my Lawnmower Blenny is my FAVORITE fish, he's just a blast to watch. Such a great personality. I'd love to hear others sugestions for fish w/ similar or fun personalities (preferably reef safe). Thanks!
  3. pruden_sac

    Coraline Alge is disappearing...HELP

    Ok, so let me clarify. The dark red spots (almost burgandy) are slowly turning a pale white. I'm interpereting this as "disappearing".
  4. pruden_sac

    Coraline Alge is disappearing...HELP

    My coraline alge is slowly disappearing. What's going on? I thought this was supposed to keep growing? All my fish look very happy (Yellow Tang, Lawnmower Blenny, 2 Blue/Yellow Damsels, 10 Scarlet Hermit Crabs & 5 Turbo Snails). All my levels are good (PH= 8.2). So what's happening. Could this...
  5. pruden_sac

    Just added a Protien Skimmer, now have ?'s

    It seems to be working properly now. The bubbles have reached the top and they are turning dark green. Looks good.
  6. pruden_sac

    Just added a Protien Skimmer, now have ?'s

    Ok, so I just added a PS to my 50g Reef. It is called a TurboSkimmer, $70 and no pump. I put my 402 PowerHead on it but I don't know that everything is working right. I had to do some backyard rigging to get the 402 to plug into it, now the 402 dosn't "suck" as much as it did when it was just...
  7. pruden_sac

    Hey whipple - Looking for SouthDown in Sacramento

    whipple - I heard you were ordering SouthDown on the west coast. Any truth to this? Did you get it / Do you have any extra? Please let me know as I'm interested. Paul
  8. pruden_sac

    Food for Yellow Tang?

    So he'll eat the alge that is overtaking my tank? Along with the alge selects...
  9. pruden_sac

    Food for Yellow Tang?

    What do they eat? I have frozen Brine that I'm getting ready to feed the Damsels and shrimp. Will the Yellow Tang eat this also? Or is there something else / better that he should be eating?
  10. pruden_sac

    Bubbles in my LS... What is it?

    Ok, so I've got a LS bed that's 2"* in front that shrinks to nothing in the back of the tank (*I'm tring to find SouthDown in the Sacramento CA area). I've got a whole lot of "Bubbles" apearing in the LS anywhere from 1/8" down to about 1.5" down. What is this? Normal? Good? Bad?
  11. pruden_sac

    Fish getting sucked into filter...HELP!

    Bio Ball, now there's an idea.... He's still alive and starting to swim more. The Yellow Tang is poking at him and he'll swim away. He is bent, but starting to get back to normal. He has the infamous grill marks and is starting to loos some of his "skin" in that area, but he looks better. I'll...
  12. pruden_sac

    Fish getting sucked into filter...HELP!

    Ok, so this is a bonehead question... My "Alge Blenny" got sucked into the bottom return of my 402 PowerHead. No, I didn't have any filter attached to it. I was just using it to push water while I am waiting for my Protien Skimmer (without a pump) to arrive. I guess the little bugger decided to...
  13. pruden_sac

    Yellow Tang, looks funny.....HELP!

    Yeah, he looks normal today. Thanks!!!
  14. pruden_sac

    How soon is too soon?

    I put in 20lbs LS and 8lbs LR day 1, along with 2 yellow tail blue damsels on day 2 (they are still alive and VERY healthy looking. The tank spiked at 5 weeks and then leveled off again. I didn't know this was common, thanks for telling me. I added another 10lbs LR @ week 6 and it looks good so...
  15. pruden_sac

    Yellow Tang, looks funny.....HELP!

    Just added a Yellow Tang tonight he had one yellow stripe on each side. He's been in the tank about 2 hours and the yellow stripes are now white. What's happening? Is he ok?
  16. pruden_sac

    How soon is too soon?

    I have a 'Solar II' light, 3' w/ 2 36W PC bulbs (1- 10,000k and 1- Actinic). I haven't been checking the water, just go to a trusted LFS for the water testing.
  17. pruden_sac

    How soon is too soon?

    To add a Sebae Anemony and 2 Sebae Clowns? Tank is 7 weeks old and I've had perfect 0's accross the board every week. PH @ 8.0 - 8.2 for 5 weeks.
  18. pruden_sac

    Please help, brown alge outbreak...

    I just added an "Alge Blenny" and 5 more Scarlet Hermits. We'll see how they do. My LFS told me to get the alge on the glass myself. I thought the Lawnmower Blenny was for hair alge?
  19. pruden_sac

    Please help, brown alge outbreak...

    H2O, LR/LS are almost 7 weeks old but the tank is a 1 week old upgrade (leaky 38g to new 45g). I've got an outbreak of brown alge on the glass & sand. If this is a diatom bloom I don't understand why I'm geeting it now? I already had one in the last tank. I added 5 Turbo's and 5 Scarlet Hermits...
  20. pruden_sac

    Crabs & Shrimp

    45G w/ 5 red Hermits and 5 Turbo snails. The Hermits spend 99% of thier time on my LR, and the snails spend 90% on the LR and 9% on the glass. I thought these guys were suposed to spend time on the LS also and keep it clean of my newfound brown alge? Any sugestions or did I just buy the wrong...