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  1. angela&landon

    is this a decent vho metal halide setup

    i have a 46 gallon bow tank that is 36" wide. i dont want to o full reef but i want to do a semi-reef. i want a few corals (brain, pagoda cup and mushrooms) will this be suffice or can you point me in the right direction. thanks Landon
  2. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    i caught the thing tonight. im taking it to the LFS tom. it wasnt a worm, it was stuck to the rock and i mean STUCK. ill let you know what they say
  3. angela&landon

    Is This Tank Overcrowded? (Need Answers)

    oh oopps, i thought it was a 40 gallon, the 40 of LR confused me.
  4. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    yea it has like little fuzzy things (about 10 or so) along each side of it. the dark green spots on it is where they are.
  5. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    ive had a couple of damsels come up missing, one day there gone. no bodies nothing. im just concerned that this thing is harmfull and if so i dont want it. i was partially kidding about the flushing:D thanks, anyway i can find out for sure what this is???
  6. angela&landon

    Is This Tank Overcrowded? (Need Answers)

    so what are you saying??? anyone who cant afford a 300+ gallon tank cant enjoy fish they like??? thats rediculous, many people buy fish and plan that eventually they will be upgrading to a larger tank. that trigger for instance will take 5+ years to outgrow that tank. Do i think its fair to do...
  7. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    heres another
  8. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    is there anyway i could e-mail you the pics, the thing is freaking me out. i want it OUT, if i can catch it its going down the percilan express.
  9. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    could it be a Nudibranch??? i dont know what kind but i was looking at pics in this site and it kind of reminds me of one. i dont think its a cucumber or apple cause its flat as flat can be.
  10. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    theres a couple in that album, but now the thing is freakin gone. who knows where it is. is there any pics of sea apples or cucumbers??? how did this thing get in here anyways???
  11. angela&landon

    Is This Tank Overcrowded? (Need Answers)

    not yet, but it will when those fish grow. the puffer and tang get big.
  12. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    its flat..... like a leech. is that what they look like???
  13. angela&landon

    Help What Is This Thing!!!!

    i turned on the light tonight ans saw this think that looks like a flat caterpillar/leech thing stuck to my rocks. i thought it was a plant but i have never noticed it before, its red/brown and it has like small plants growing out of it, i tried to net it but its stuck to the rocks. it moves...
  14. angela&landon

    new clown added, how long till....

    i already had another female tomato clown in there. i bought one that hadnt changed sexs yet (suposedly). its way smaller, but the bigger one (female) will kinda harrass it a little. at first the small one went right to the anenome where the other always is and thy hung out for a couple mins...
  15. angela&landon

    a couple of questions about algea

    the brown comes of really easy, its not slimy. my rock is mostly white though. theres not much coreline for him to eat left. how long would it take to grow some back if i were to take him out of the tank??? hes only the size of a quarter.... Landon
  16. angela&landon

    a couple of questions about algea

    umm there is no sun and i dont know what kind of food your talking about considering i dont feed my fish chunky food. you must have the wrong person. Landon
  17. angela&landon

    a couple of questions about algea

    anyone else???
  18. angela&landon

    a couple of questions about algea

    okay 2 types im wondering about: 1: brown algae that grows on my glass, i have to clean it every 3 days. What causes it and how can i keep it from comming back. 2: coreline algae, there is not much on my rock at all and its been set up for 6 months. i do have a very small purple urchin in...
  19. angela&landon

    weird bug found on dead fish

    great this is not good!! A couple of damsels have died unexpected too, they are the only ones who sleep in the rock. The puffer did too put my clowns sleep floating on top. The wierd thing is is i saw one crawling on the botom one time and thought t was just some kind of shrimp or something...