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  1. angela&landon

    weird bug found on dead fish

    WOW!!! now that you mention it i bought a couple pieces of LR cause it had some cool mushrooms on it. When i put it in the tank i saw a couple of what looked to be semi-transparent bugs crawl off. What do they do and how do they kill the fish???
  2. angela&landon

    need fast help with puffer

    yea it was!!! thats wierd did they know what it was???
  3. angela&landon

    weird bug found on dead fish

    yea it looks almost identicle. how did it get there and what can i do do prevent it in the future? could this have caused it death??
  4. angela&landon

    weird bug found on dead fish

    I had a sick puffer and he died last night. I had left him in a large net overnight cause he kept smashing into rocks. His spine was curved so he was just swimming around in circles uncontrolable. when i found him this morning and inspected his body there was what appeared to be some kind of...
  5. angela&landon

    need fast help with puffer

    well he died last night. I had left him in a large net overnight cause he kept smashing into rocks. when i found him this morning and inspected his body there was what appeared to be some kind of bug that was neer his gill. It looked like it crawled out of him!!! anyone heard of this???
  6. angela&landon

    updated pics of my tank

    isnt that a coral beuty in there??? I thought those eat corals....
  7. angela&landon

    need fast help with puffer

    I was reading in a book and it said that ick can cause curvature of the spine. Is this true??? We also took a sample of water in to our LFS and they also tested all levels incuding calcium and everything was fine. Please help....
  8. angela&landon

    need fast help with puffer

    we have a valentini puffer and have had him for 2 weeks. Yesterday we found him lying hurt on the rocks. Its like his spine is stuck curved!!! he cant go straight and so the only way he can swim is around in a circle. I feel so bad i dont know what to do or what is wrong with him. i dont...
  9. angela&landon

    need help fast with puffer!!!!!

    we have a valentini puffer and have had him for 2 weeks. Yesterday we found him lying hurt on the rocks. Its like his spine is stuck curved!!! i cant go straight and so the only way he can swim is around in a circle. I feel so bad i dont know what to do or what is wrong with him. i dont have...
  10. angela&landon

    how do I get my clowns to take to anenome from the portland area (gray). I guess ill just wait and hope they go to it. If not it looks awesome in there anyways. Thanks
  11. angela&landon

    how do I get my clowns to take to anenome

    wow!!! so it can take that long huh??? well that gives us some hope. Anyone else have some input?? oh what kind of anenome do you have??
  12. angela&landon

    how do I get my clowns to take to anenome

    we just got a purple tip sabea anenome a week ago and our clowns dont even notice it. We spent all this money on lighting and such to give one a try but the clowns are not paying any attention. The anenome is beutiful but I wish the damn clowns would play in it!!! Is there any sugestions on...
  13. angela&landon

    Missing 1 clown fish

    same happened to our damsel. we never found him, i guess it doesnt take long for a good cleanup crew to eat a body. sorry about your loss.
  14. angela&landon


    We just got a valentini puffer. We HAD 10 blue hermit crabs, 10 snails and now down to half. I can find 5 hermits now. We got 5 snails that go in the substrate (cant remember what thier name is) and he ate them in a matter of minutes. We feed him quite regualarly mysis shrimp but it doesnt...
  15. angela&landon

    is this a decent wet dry system

    wel after some complications with our hang on protien skimmer im thinking of changing to a sump....just wondering if this is an okay system for a 46 gallon tank.....will anything else be needed??? thanks Landon
  16. angela&landon

    what are our protien skimmer options???

    We have a 46 gallon tank and currently have a red sea prizm skimmer. We had to get a new hood (glass) to accomdate a tripple tube light strip. Now the prizm will not fit (hits glass) so what do we do? We have a canister filter (fluval 304). Is there a skimmer that is similar in design to a...
  17. angela&landon

    bangai cardinal is dying...why???

    yea i think it was, also the last week or so he hasnt been letting his bottom fins down like he did before, he had them tucked up?? i knew something was wrong last night but thought i was over-reacting. He died today though..........:(
  18. angela&landon

    bangai cardinal is dying...why???

    i woke up this morning to find him upside down on the sand breathing semi-heavy. I netted him gently and when i did he swam to my surprise quite fast awayfrom the net. when i did catch him i noticed there looked like blood underneath his skin and around his eyes (redish brown color). Does...
  19. angela&landon

    any pics or an adult french angel

    want to see what they look like in a tank, TIA
  20. angela&landon

    a questin about a rio 400 powerhead

    just picked one of these up, and it says to hook up the air line to the air inlet on top of the pump outlet. (kinda hard to follow but you know what im talking about if you have one). Anyways when i do it water just comes out of the hose, it says that doing this will cause "venturi" airation...