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  1. angela&landon

    Missing damsel!!!

    JP- Did this throw the ammonia and other levels off? Thanks for the help!!!
  2. angela&landon

    Missing damsel!!!

    we have 10 hermit crabs right now, would that be enough to eat him? He was small, also we dont have any powerheads. We have a fluval canister, and a prizm skimmer. I checked all around the outside of the tank, as well as mooved soem liverock to look. Still nothing, its so strang, i just hope...
  3. angela&landon

    Missing damsel!!!

    Thanks for the help... We do have 2 hoods on the tank so he shouldn't have been able to jump. We have fed the fish with no luck... Moved some of the live rock also. Still looking... Thanks.
  4. angela&landon

    Missing damsel!!!

    Got home after work tonight and all our fish are alive and well, except our damsel is MISSING! We have 2 clowns, 2 yellowtail damsels, 2 urchins and a missing black and wht striped damsel... The clowns are about 2 inches long and the damsels are 1 inch... Is it possible that the damsel has been...
  5. angela&landon

    Missing damsel!!!

    Got home after work tonight and all our fish are alive and well, except our damsel is MISSING! We have 2 clowns, 2 yellowtail damsels, 2 urchins and a missing black and wht striped damsel... The clowns are about 2 inches long and the damsels are 1 inch... Is it possible that the damsel has been...
  6. angela&landon

    Missing damsel!!!

    Got home after work tonight and all our fish are alive and well, except our damsel is MISSING! We have 2 clowns, 2 yellowtail damsels, 2 urchins and a missing black and wht striped damsel... The clowns are about 2 inches long and the damsels are 1 inch... Is it possible that the damsel has been...
  7. angela&landon

    Urchin advice!?!

    Thanks for the help!
  8. angela&landon

    Urchin advice!?!

    Hello! We're interested in getting an urchin to add to our 46 gallon tank... We have 2 clownfish, 3 damsels and 10 hermit crabs. Good idea? What type would you recommend? We plan on eventually getting an anemone... hope this wouldn't be a problem... Thanks so much!
  9. angela&landon

    a couple of questions on powerheads

    i was just wondering what the flow rate should be of a powerhead for my tank. its a 46 gallon and the only form of circulation right now is the return from the canister filter, it does ok but i think we should get more. What is a good brand and where is a good place to get them, also what...
  10. angela&landon

    What's next???

    we are upgrading our lighting to accomidate anenomes in the future, were not going to add anthing else for another month or so. We have 30# of LR in there right now also we have 40# of LS. Thanks for the advice......the anenome we were thinking of getting was a bubble....
  11. angela&landon

    What's next???

    We have a 46 gallon tank that has been cycled for almost 2 weeks... Have 3 damsels, 2 clown fish and 10 hermit crabs. Trying to decide what to get next! Any suggestions? Considering a flame angel... Possible an anenome for the clowns... Any suggestions would be appreciated!:rolleyes: