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  1. jonnywater

    What is this and why is it turning RED!!!

    No tangs. The nudi is only a few days old also. Besides I dont even think it is bryopsis LOL or whatever it is called. I thought that was their main diet and only diet? I want to get a Tomini Tang but the things cost like 175 bucks from most places and I am waiting to get my bigger tank and find...
  2. jonnywater

    What is this and why is it turning RED!!!

    It wont grow, but it wont go away either. If you have it in your tank, from my understanding, you need to get something to eat it. I am not having blooms of it or anything. There's just the stuff that has been there since the beginning if it was not already taken over by corraline algae.
  3. jonnywater

    What is this and why is it turning RED!!!

    Huh, odd. I had my water tested this week like I do every week by several of different stores and they all said that my nitrate levels were undetectable. I have clams, mangroves and shaving brush plants to take care of that
  4. jonnywater

    What is this and why is it turning RED!!!

    This used to be some course algae that was green. Lately it has been getting taken over by these thick strands of what looks like RED hair. It is VERY course and nearly impossible to pull off. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
  5. jonnywater

    Makin The Cheese!!!!

    So I have my 6 foot long Outer Orbit HQI Metal Halide on the way. Something like 840 watts with the PC's or something. I was just going to take one end bulb out and two actinics out because my tank is only 48" long (I know it sounds weird). I am waiting for a 190 that is supposed to take 6...
  6. jonnywater

    EMERGENCY!! Filter down

    My Emperor 400 just went out on me. Should I be concerned at all? I really only use it to polish the water and the polyfiber collects A LOT of stuff. Just has me kind of worried that it may mess up my whole system with lack of water flow and the bio-wheels and all that stuff. I still have my...
  7. jonnywater

    So I want to take it back

    Any time that I can monitor my tank water - and it stays consistant for 4+ days, the product is the greatest. I have started using this new product where it eventually did balance my KH back out. My Calcium is holding at 460, my PH at 8.3, my alk at 8-9, and even my strontium levels have...
  8. jonnywater

    Alkalinity/Clacium & PH

    Yeah but one does calc and all the traces. It has higher levels of strontium and magnesium and the other is mainly "sodium" stuff to raise the alk and PH. Problem is that I dont think it wont "overshoot" my PH in the event that I use more of it to raise my alk up. I think I might have to just...
  9. jonnywater

    Alkalinity/Clacium & PH

    Here is something that I REALLY dont get. My Calc and Redox are fine. My Calc I know is about 460 and my PH is holding steady at around 8.3. Now I am using Nutrafin (Hagen) and Red Sea test kits. I know there are other ones out there and dont care. These test kits have remained steady for me for...
  10. jonnywater

    New way to get rid of bubble algae?

    I dont know about the rest of you, but I put a Lettuce Nudibranch in my tank last night and the thing has finished off about 80% of my bubble algae so far. It was confined to one rock and now he is just hanging out in that area looking for more to eat. You can see the tiny-tiny little green...
  11. jonnywater

    MORE new tank mates!

    Cool. Or they can just eat plankton that is floating around in the water column.
  12. jonnywater

    DECISION TIME!!! lighting, green lit

    Well I have weighed all my options and decided to go with the 72" Orbit 3 x 150 HQI for my 48" tank. LOL. I know it sounds weird, but it should make sense in the long run. In about 6 months I am getting a custom 190 made that is going to be 6 feet long. So I assume buy the 72" now and just...
  13. jonnywater

    MORE new tank mates!

    Sun whatever and the duster. The duster was thrown in and I got the sun for 17 bucks. Its a larger frag. I cant figure out where to put the sun though.
  14. jonnywater

    DECISION TIME!!! lighting, green lit

    Well, like the first post said - I was "green lit" by people. Hense I have someone watching over my money. I am only allowed to spend an amount if I authorize it first based on the hobby. Corals and stuff like that I can pretty much go wild and get whatever I want. When it comes to the 100 or...
  15. jonnywater

    DECISION TIME!!! lighting, green lit

    Same here. I have been keeping clams for about 6-8 weeks now also. My montiporas are doing fine as well. I was just wondering about the growth benefits of the whole thing. Since I am wanting to keep frags circulating throughout the hobby and do it rather often.
  16. jonnywater

    DECISION TIME!!! lighting, green lit

    My animals, clams and corals are all doing fine. I am looking to add some loc-line to my PH's (MJ 1200) with a Y off with a spray nozzle right at the beginning of one end and then adding 6 inches of lock line tube to the other side of the Y and aim it sideways towards the front of the tank. On...
  17. jonnywater

    DECISION TIME!!! lighting, green lit

    I've been green lit by "other people" to upgrade my lighting. Also the company that I purchased my Orbit light for 209 dollars back 4 months ago, is willing to give me full credit for it and pay for shipping on both the new and the old light. Now I can go the Outer Orbit Halide system with 2 x...
  18. jonnywater

    What is wrong with my BUBBLE TIP!!!

    Usually about 13 hours per day on average. I am looking further into clams. I spent the last 5 months researching lighting and what you can and can not do with certain lighting. For instance the reason that I am only keeping a Derasa and Squamosa (I found a home for the crocea). I read in...
  19. jonnywater

    What is wrong with my BUBBLE TIP!!!

    no, thats a completely new piece. other then the one i gave him last night.
  20. jonnywater

    What is wrong with my BUBBLE TIP!!!

    Well, he is only 3 inches wide and spent the entire night eating a 1 inch piece of tilapia, HAHA. I have had him about a week and he was curled up into the "ball of death" in the store that I purchased him from for THREE WHOLE DOLLARS!!!! (yes that includes tax) I can probably get a pic of his...