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  1. jonnywater

    Clam growth question

    Since I have owned this one clam, it has developed a white edge on its SHELL!!! Not its mantle. Is that the amount that it has grown since i've had it? It's the same length on both sides of the shell at the top under the mantle. If so, I think the thing is going to get HUGE. It has around 1/2...
  2. jonnywater

    WHAT is this? Coral

    2 bucks at the LFS. Just a small frag but I figured it wasnt that bad.
  3. jonnywater

    WHAT is this? Coral

    I keep looking at this thing and the more I do, the more I get confused. It looks like a montipora of some sort. But the polyps look like a flowerpot.
  4. jonnywater

    clam help.....wax or other

    I'll just give you my two cents. But I cant recommend either way and am not to be held responsible for any of the info (legal stuff) blah blah blah It does look slightly like pinched mantle or that something was ripping chunks out. I would go with that because it doesnt look like even if did...
  5. jonnywater

    More then Flatworms are eXitting!!!

    That's the only thing that I can think of too. I just had a feather duster pass. Just the tip fell right out of the tube and floated away. I syphoned my sand, my rock - EVERYTHING!!!. Atleast 5 times. Then I emptied out about "40" gallons and did the flatworm treatment. Then i had filled up the...
  6. jonnywater

    More then Flatworms are eXitting!!!

    Dont know if this is good or bad. So yesterday I transfered nearly every living organism in my tank to a quarantine tank. Then I drained the water level lower then all the corals. There was one single feather duster that was below the water line. I added nearly double the amount of flatworm...
  7. jonnywater

    Test of new camera

    And here is the only 50 dollar fish in my tank. He does tricks, uh huh, LOL
  8. jonnywater

    Flatworm Exit - My Method

    I was thinking of how I am going to approach this tomorrow. No one can seem to get in the nudis' that eat flatworms, so I purchased a bottle of Flatworm Exit. I was thinking of taking all the snails, my star, my conchs, my clam and all my fish out of the tank. Since the flatworms seem to...
  9. jonnywater

    Test of new camera

    Yes they are actually glowing
  10. jonnywater

    Test of new camera

    I leave the flash off. Set it to the sharpest image, make it the smallest size possible and make sure that i set it to sunlight. This (below) is what my polyps look like in the dark. that second pic is something that i got for free today. I have NO IDEA what it is. It looks like some sort of...
  11. jonnywater

    Test of new camera

    Some sort of Konica I think it is. A little over 8 megapixels but the clowns and none of the other fish are being very photo friendly today
  12. jonnywater

    Test of new camera

  13. jonnywater

    Test of new camera

    just checking out my camera
  14. jonnywater

    Now I'm A Daddy!!!

    Thanks. I just noticed them today. They are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO small. But they can still climb the rockwork. Its funny cause I was watching one and it took him the whole day to get half way up to the top.
  15. jonnywater the name of all that is holy

    Not that you knew because I did not mention it, but the clownfish dont care about the powerhead, it is a brand new powerhead and I have a grounding probe. So I dont think it would be that. The clownfish are already hosting the thing for some odd reason.
  16. jonnywater the name of all that is holy

    would a fish not like water current? It isnt noise, because it is a smaller powerhead. But as soon as I turn the powerhead on, the fish DARTS back into the caves. Without it on, the thing will swim all over the tank.
  17. jonnywater

    Now I'm A Daddy!!!

    Granted its nothing as spectacular as fish. But my knowing of banded trochus snails breeding in captivity is slim to not happening at all. Cute little buggers too. I can fit about 9 of them onto the tip of my finger. Most of them have light gray on the top of their shells and it is white around...
  18. jonnywater

    QUICK!!!! Crocea Update!

    So when is this thing going to start having problems? This is the one that I rescued from the LFS because hermits and what not were tearing its mantle apart. So far it attaches overnight (to young to completely drop its foot though). It was missing a complete half circle from its mantle, which...
  19. jonnywater

    Crocea update

    Wrong board, LOL.