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  1. albfishin'

    A QT Question, or two

    reefkprZ, same time as normal? 45 - 1 Hr. Correct?
  2. albfishin'

    A QT Question, or two

    I just (in the last couple of days) set up a QT. I know that the goal is to get the parameters as close to the display tank as possible. I figure that normal acclimation procedures would apply adding newcomers to the QT. However, once this is accomplished - parameters equal - and I begin...
  3. albfishin'

    Can anyone help identify????

    I was able to research vermetid's for a little while today, and there seems to be similarities to what I have and what you referred me to look up. The only thing thats missing however, is the tube that is in your picture (unless I just cant see it from the vantage that I have to look at in my...
  4. albfishin'

    Can anyone help identify????

    The tentacles look like that, but I've never seen a tube like the one in your picture. It seems to be somehow using the substrate to enlongate a tube from the rock (bits of shell, etc.). I've hit it with a brush, and it seems to be hard almost like its encrusting the substrate. Sorry about...
  5. albfishin'

    My 4 mo. old 55g

    I'm just about 35min NE of Charlotte. It's tough keeping it clean. I'm cleaning at least 20min daily. Still going through algae blooms, etc. It is lots of hard work but it's a lot of fun also. :happyfish Thanks again for the kind remarks!!!!
  6. albfishin'

    Can anyone help identify????

    This guy has been with me since my addition of lr 4 mos. ago. However, over the last few weeks he seems to have gotten bigger. It's tough to see on photo, but he has two holes he comes out of from the lr itself. You can barely see it's tentacles just below gsp. It has transparent tentacles...
  7. albfishin'


    I've got a 55 gal. with about 75lbs of lr. I have a wet/dry filter with sump, not sure what a fuge is?? :thinking: Regardless having them in tank is normal? Do I need to add anything to control their pop??
  8. albfishin'


    I have these small, look like bugs, crawling all over lr and substrate. Are these copepods? Are they a good thing to have in the tank? How much is a good thing? I've seen them before and they kind of disappeered for awhile and now with just a simple glance, it looks like things are moving...
  9. albfishin'

    My 4 mo. old 55g

    Thanks for all the kind words. I've got a little money in the tank. I found out that once you get started, it's easy to get hooked! I'm definately considering purchasing a generator in case we loose power this winter. We get a lot of ice in NC and a power failure for any amount of time...
  10. albfishin'

    My 4 mo. old 55g

    Here are pics of my 4 mo. old 55G reef. Enjoy! I hope all a happy holiday season.
  11. albfishin'

    Ich Probs

    Thanks everyone for the help.
  12. albfishin'

    Ich Probs

    I was changing 5 gal. every two weeks
  13. albfishin'

    Ich Probs

    Water parameters in tank are fine: salinity = 1.021 ph = 8.2 ammonia = 0 nitrite = 0 KH = 8 dKH = 2.85 My only exception is nitrates = 80 Could nitrates be high due to all the death in the tank? With elevated nitrates how often should I perform h2o changes? All the info. is a big help thanks...
  14. albfishin'

    bubble in my frogspwan

    I don't know what they're doing, but have had mine for about 3 mos. and they have been doing it from purchase. They seem to be fine. Although the thing I have noticed as they bubble, their blooms are not quite as big. Sorry I couldn't be more of a help, this is my first shot at keeping and...
  15. albfishin'

    bubble in my frogspwan

    Mine have them as well. You're talking about right in the middle of the head of bloom? I usually notice it more when mine are excreting waste
  16. albfishin'

    Ich Probs

    Sounds good. How often do you recommend H2O changes? I did a five gallon change 3 nights ago and was planning another on Sunday. Is that too soon?
  17. albfishin'

    Ich Probs

    :help: I recently had an ich outbreak in my tank which claimed several of my fish. I have one fish that is still diseased in the tank. My question is, if this fish ends up dying as well, will the parasite die (since there are no more host fish left)? Or can the parasite continue to be a...