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  1. albfishin'

    bored on thursday....lots of pics

    joncat, great tank and pictures!!!!!!
  2. albfishin'


    Originally Posted by RiDoMart Thanks for your help AlbFishin', I'm feeling better about things. Got to get some books.Thanks all No problem. :joy:
  3. albfishin'

    help, first coral

    Originally Posted by 30-xtra high i got my first coral today!, it was sold to me as a "sun polyp", but i can't seem to find it anywhere on the site, or other sources. i bought a piece of liverock about 4x3 inches covered in them. theres about 40 small heads. they are in my 30 gallon with...
  4. albfishin'

    Sepulatian, update and thanks!!!

    Just wanted to give you and update on tanks. All is going well. Ran the DT fishless for 6 wks (due to ich outbreak), began stocking it and all is doing well. I have 3 green chromis and 2 fire gobies and everyone is happy and healthy. I also had a huge spike with nitrates and finally got them...
  5. albfishin'


    Originally Posted by RiDoMart I might have put 5ml of water in the vial this morning, now with 4 ml it measures .32 in the sryinge=3.8 which isn't that far off? Looks like you're right on.....My earlier response was from work (don't tell the boss), now at home I got some references out and you...
  6. albfishin'

    normal firefish behavior

    Originally Posted by patrick8929 is it normal for my firefish to jump when he first gets put into the tank? he seems to be settled down now but he did jump a couple time thnx I'm on my second pair and none of the four jumped. Is there another fish acting aggressive toward it? I just added my...
  7. albfishin'


    Originally Posted by RiDoMart I need a book. I just checked my perimeters,ALK, if I'm reading it right 11.5 ( in the salifert test the level is 2.8 in the syringe. PH=8.0, cal=400. I added kent PH buffer last night because the PH was 7.4. What am I doing wrong??? I use RO water.120 gal...
  8. albfishin'

    Increase PH question

    Originally Posted by L.I. GEO besides the ph buffer, Is there anything i can do to raise my ph besides putting supplements in, my alkalinity of course is also low. Baking soda????? I heard some arm and hammer will raise ph.
  9. albfishin'

    Damsels in a reef

    Originally Posted by sturner Only those two damsels at the moment. I have lots of hermits, snails, etc... one serpent star and one brittle star. some shrooms, three ricordia and more frags on the way. I tried one clown way back after I first got the damsels and he was already in sad shape...
  10. albfishin'

    What Order

    Originally Posted by MA I have recently set up a 75 gallon, it has been up for about a month I have two percula clowns I want to add 2 green chromis, one harlequin tusk and a flame angel adding fish order 1. two percula clowns (already in) 2. two green chromis 3. harlequin tusk 4. flame angel...
  11. albfishin'

    Calcium & alkalinity help needed

    Originally Posted by RiDoMart After a 20% water change my calcium is 400 by a salifert test. what should I do now? How do I get 450 cal at the same time 2.9 alk ? (Bang Guy) ? What is your ph? Aren't higher concentrations usually ok (3.2-4.5)???
  12. albfishin'

    Too many questions

    Originally Posted by hrlpn Is there a suggested place for me to find good info on what I need to start and maintain coral.I'm clueless when it comes to it.Thanks in advance. This is a great place too start! Ask questions here, that's what everyone is here for. If you're looking for reference...
  13. albfishin'

    tanks visible from both sides...see through

    Awesome tank......and room. I like the contemporary look! What is it stocked with currently? What size is it? Great job! :happyfish
  14. albfishin'

    Do you quarantine

    Originally Posted by shogun323 I used to adopt Whitey's "survival of the fittest" method until Ick eventually took all my fish. I am now in at the end of my 2nd week of running fishless in my 50 gallon display tank. Needless to say, my 10 gallon setup from Walmart is about to payoff. I like...
  15. albfishin'

    nutrition for corals

    I add DT's once a week and all my coral are doing great. I also spot feed my zoo's mysis and other assorted goodies. From what I understand, you should feed them, even the one's you think are photosynthetic. You also may need to check calc. levels and supplement as needed for your hard's...
  16. albfishin'

    Spot feeding corals

    Originally Posted by rhino I have some new LPS corals and I am wondering when is the proper time to feed these guys. Should their polyps be extended or is it ok to feed them when their polyps are not extended. Thanks What do you have?
  17. albfishin'

    Mods- Full tank pics?

    Great pics everyone Thanks for sharing!!!!!
  18. albfishin'

    How many small fish...

    Originally Posted by Bonebrake Let me add, 1 inch of the adult size of fish. Don't buy a three inch tang for a 12 gallon nano because it meets the 1 inch per four gallons rule when it will be 10 inches a year later (if it lives that long). Know the adult size of a fish before you purchase one...
  19. albfishin'

    How many small fish...

    Originally Posted by IDGY could you put into a 24 or 29 gallon? From what I've read, the general rule is 1 inch of fish (from snout to beginning of tail) per 4 gal of water. Hope that helps.
  20. albfishin'

    Got the QT set up, ph probs

    Originally Posted by sepulatian If you just set it up and have 2 chromis in a 12 gallon then you are just going through the cycle (you could have done it without the fish). Just let it finish cycling. Keep doing water changes. You got a reading of 40 nitrates after a 3 gall change? What are your...