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  1. albfishin'

    flame angel questions

    Originally Posted by scrapman I plan to ad my last fish soon: a flame angel Questions: Some seem to have more vibrant colors than others. What to select? Are they sociable. Will he/she swim with his/her tankmakes (5 Chromis, one damsel, 2 clowns and a YT)? Do they hide a lot. Are they shy? Any...
  2. albfishin'

    Toadstool Leather Coral

    Mid tank with good flow and he should do fine. Good luck
  3. albfishin'

    firefish tail fin help

    No worries, it should grow back fine :joy:
  4. albfishin'

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Can't wait!!!!! ***)
  5. albfishin'

    Anemone ID please

    I agree, definately a button polyp. In the right conditions should reproduce pretty quickly and before you know it, you will have a nice little colony,
  6. albfishin'

    Help with coral food

    I feed the tank DT's once a week and don't spot feed my shrooms. They're multipling like crazy. I have an assortment of other softies, all are doing well. I spot feed zoo's mysis once every couple of weeks.
  7. albfishin'

    White smoke coming from live rock...

    Vermetid snail???? Are there tentacles coming out of the hole? or another hole on the rock? I have one that has tentacles that "comb" the substrate and pull it back to the rock and every 5min or so, it takes a crap out of another hole. White tube comes out of the hole and shoots crap into the...
  8. albfishin'

    2 new pics of my yellow lion

    Wow Murph, great pics I've enjoyed the posts with pics from your tank.
  9. albfishin'

    My 180 - at 2 months.

    Nice job, like the aquascape
  10. albfishin'

    Starfish help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by allyric The salanity is right on the green line on the hydrometer. Also the pet store told me not to acclimate him just float the bag for 15 to 20 min. to get the water temp the same then pull him out and place him on the bottom of the tank. I may have taken all the food he...
  11. albfishin'

    Firefish question

    I have two in my 55g and they do great!! Waiting for some purples from my lfs:) Nice personality in the tank and are peaceful. Good luck :happyfish
  12. albfishin'

    beginner Corals

    Originally Posted by saltn00b MH you will be able to hold anything.calcium is nice and high and your trates arent too bad but try to get them lower. start with some softies like zoas, then move up to xenia, shrooms, leathers, then some LPS and when you are ready and experienced, SPS. Totally agree
  13. albfishin'

    Do Toadstool leathers let off some sort of cloud looking stuff?

    Originally Posted by Maingo I got a Toadstool Leather aabout a week ago and ever since my water gets real cloudy every other day. It takes about 24 hours to clear up then it gets cloudy again, I'm talking can't see the back of the tank cloudy . Started when I put the Toad in so I know it must...
  14. albfishin'

    new corals ... Acans, Shrooms and Duncans...

    Steve, nice pieces and a very nice tank as well!!!
  15. albfishin'

    will it kill my sponge?????????

    Originally Posted by amadent :notsure: I got an orange ball sponge for my tank this weekend. I was told to keep it in a high or srong water current in my tank. It is , my qustion is: Some sand is sticking to the sponge because of the current, Will it kill the orange ball? No, it shouldn't...
  16. albfishin'

    For anyone who uses Garlic??

    No it wasn't molt, because my nassarius snails were all over it. With past molts, they pretty much left it alone. When I fished it out, it was definately the shrimp. Tank conditions: Ph= 8.2 Amm=0 Nitrites=0 Nitrates=0 SG=1.022 Its sounding to me more like coincidence. :thinking: Thanks to...
  17. albfishin'

    Photoshopped fish! Check this out.

    Thats great!!! :hilarious
  18. albfishin'

    For anyone who uses Garlic??

    I recently, last week, started to use garlic to supplement fish food. About 20 min. after the feeding, I was looking in the tank and noticed that my coral-banded shrimp was dead! Does anyone know, was this mere coincidence or will shrimp have a bad reaction, like death, to the garlic? All...