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  1. albfishin'

    Opinions Needed....please

    Originally Posted by Rykna Well....depends on what is in your tank....I would proceed with scheduled maintenance...especially since the tank water will have been sitting for 3 hours. But most tanks do fine up to 4 hours of dead water. If I still had my reef tank set up, 3 hours would be the max...
  2. albfishin'

    Opinions Needed....please

    Let me set up my qustions with some background info.... Two days ago I got a phone call from my local power company saying that they would be turning off power to my neighborhood to conduct line maintenance for about 3 hours. Here are my questions: 1. What should be done, if anything to my...
  3. albfishin'

    Blasto Question

    Murph, quick question......I was successful with getting one head to feed. Looks great right now, fat as can be and head is filled out. However, I had trouble getting the other two healthy heads to eat due to the way they are positioned. That is, they are both angled down towards the sb from...
  4. albfishin'

    Blasto Question

    Originally Posted by murph145 i know what u mean .... i would watch closely to make sure the others dont start to fade also.... what kind of lights are they under?? like i said blastos are tricky ive had 50/50 fait with them i dont know why they seem to be one of the trickier corals to keep in...
  5. albfishin'

    Can you frag a Duncan?

    Thanks for the info guys. I will leave it alone. Like I said it started to look crowded and this being my first piece, I wasn't sure what to do. I will continue to feed (it eats like a pig, about every other day) and will leave it be. Thanks again to all.
  6. albfishin'

    Blasto Question

    Originally Posted by murph145 IME blastos can be kinda tricky.... i have some doing great and a few that just sloly receeded for no apparent reason.... i dont specifically spot feed any of mine either but i know they will accept food... if u wanna spot feed squirt some brine/mysid shrimp at them...
  7. albfishin'

    Can you frag a Duncan?

    I had my Duncan for a few months. When I purchased it, it had one head and four "buds." Now all four buds are about as big a nickles and with the original head it looks overcrowded. It's healthy and doing great. Question is, should I try to frag the heads, or is this normal for a Duncan...
  8. albfishin'

    Blasto Question

    I purchased a blasto about 2 mos ago. It had 4 heads on the frag. I've noticed over the last week that I am beginning to have tissue recession on one of the heads (can see it's skeleton). I have it in the sand bed with good light. All h2o params are fine. It's in a low flow area. Should I...
  9. albfishin'

    Powerhead keeps eating fish

    You can buy a black sponge cylinder that fits over the end of the intake. I bought a pair for my two powerheads a few months ago and I think they were about $9(pair). They not only protect whats in the tank for exactly your reason, but I have to rinse mine every week due to the fact (to a...
  10. albfishin'

    Coral Beauty or Flame Angel?

    I've had both. Unfortunatelly my CB died due to an ich outbreak in the tank. It was a great community fish and left all my coral alone. I then got a flame. So far, it has also been a great community fish and has left all my coral alone. IMO its just a matter of basically which color scheme...
  11. albfishin'

    265 pics

    Originally Posted by murph145 nice powder blue looks like some kind of hybrid coloration I second that. Nice tank, thanks for sharing!
  12. albfishin'

    Leather Coral Question

    They will let you know. Keep an eye on it. If it looks like its beginning to change color (mine turned real pale), you may have to move it (flow/light). I did with mine and after the move it got really, really big. However, I noticed within the last week it started to slump over and pale...
  13. albfishin'

    Need to frag my torch....

    Thanks for the great advice guys I'll probably give it a go this coming weekend when I have a little time to spend with it. Again thanks.
  14. albfishin'

    Need to frag my torch....

    I added my torch to my tank about 4 mos ago, and since its going crazy. It currently has 7 heads on it and when it is in full bloom, it's probably 8 in across by 4 inches tall. It is waging war on its surrounding neighbors. Does anyone have any ideas on how to frag it? I heard someone say...
  15. albfishin'

    Striped Green Metalic Mushrooms

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 I just noticed these on this website a little while ago and I thougt they were the coolest coral. Does anyone have any of these? I would like some info on them. Pics would also be awsome. They are great, I bought a rock from my lfs and they are doing very well in...
  16. albfishin'

    small white star fish and zoanthid

    Do you have any pics?? Probably asterina stars. I have several in my tank and have had no probs with them. Its probably not them causing the damage. What are your tank params? Someone else may chime in on this.
  17. albfishin'

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    YIPPEE!!!! Those little guys must feel right at home.....just like being back in the ocean! :cheer: KEEP US POSTED, full tank shot plz..........
  18. albfishin'

    lets flaunt them zoas to make everyone else jealous!

    Nice pics everyone!!! :cheer:
  19. albfishin'


    Either the Coral Beauty or the Flame. As with all pygmys it's pot luck on if they will leave your polyps/clam mantles alone (if you have). I've been lucky so far, I had a CB in my 55 reef and it did great. I've had a Flame in for about 2 weeks so far and it's doing great also. Leaving coral...
  20. albfishin'

    Bubbles and Elegants...?

    I'm in the same boat...I had an elegance for about 3 months, looked great, beautiful color, woke up the next morning and my emerald crabs were eating the flesh because it wasn't blooming. The flesh was actually peeling away from the skeleton. All this while all my other corals were doing...