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  1. hafen

    Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!!

    Well, good news!!:jumping: :jumping: The District Manager of our Pet*o called and expressed her sincere regrets for what had happened. She said the employee was new, and that from now on they are going to train their employees more on the handling the Saltwater Fish, so that they would know...
  2. hafen

    Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!!

    Just got an E-mail from *****. Said they are having the General Manager from this area call me and discuss the situation. I'll have to stand my ground and let him know how upset I am. :mad: I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again for giving me the nerve to take it up with the big boys.:D:joy:
  3. hafen

    NBA Finals

    Well, I'm a true Karl Malone fan, even though he left us here in Utah. So I really want to see him get a ring. He has worked so hard all these years, and I feel he truly deserve it. To bad he couldn't get it with our JAZZ though. SO, GO LAKERS GO!!!!:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :happy:
  4. hafen

    Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!!

    Well, I think I took it to the top dog.... I just got through e-mailing Brian K. Devine, Chair & CEO of *****, and telling him how I was taken. Let's see what I hear back from him. I will keep you updated. :yes:
  5. hafen

    worm id please

    Just wondering do Brittle Worms hurt your corals?:confused:
  6. hafen

    Bad advise from the LFS...

    Check out how I got taken if you have not read it yet.... Under New Hobbyists - Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!! :scared: :eek: :mad:
  7. hafen

    Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!!

    Thank you for all your support.:) After I wrote it, I thought now I'm going to have everyone jumping on my back letting me know how stupid I was. And believe me I have already gone through the guilt trip on my own. I did think I was getting afew to many, but looking at their tanks with so...
  8. hafen

    Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!!

    Easter was Sunday, and it was the following weeks Monday. I remember thinking the "Monday from H LL." Each time I flushed them away.
  9. hafen

    Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!!

    Okay, here is my story that I am really embarrassed to share. I always wanted a Saltwater tank, I have done the Freshwater for awhile. So I had a bright idea that for Easter I would get my kids a nice Saltwater tank setup. They are older now, so toys were not what they wanted. So the day...
  10. hafen orders

    I just got an order Tuesday. It was great!!! Did everything just they way they said too. Some of my order was 2 royal gramma - (went in differant tanks). A serpent star, a HUGE brittle star, 10 blue legged hermies, and a couple polyps. Very happy!! :happy: So don't be to nervous.
  11. hafen


    :nope: No.... It was the frozen. That is what my LFS said he had been feeding them. But lets just say. I have not seen anymore in his store since I bought the two he had......:thinking:
  12. hafen


    I just went through the Seahorse process, and I failed. My LFS set me up with a 5 gallon tank, small live rock, a branch that he could attach too, and live sand. Said not to add anything else for a couple of weeks. I could not get him to eat......Very very picky. nervous: I was trying brine...