

for the people that have ordered from this site, what luck have you had with the fish you ordered? did they survive are they healthy...


Agree w/Bang. This site has an awesome reputation with me. I have ordered off of here twice. Not one loss.:yes:


Active Member
The only thing I've ordered so far from is Fiji live rock. I ordered Sun. night, it was shipped out Monday, got it about 10:30 Wed. It was fully cured but with 2 day shipping there was die off. I rinsed it in a rubbermaid container filled with saltwater. Changed the water 3 times and placed directly in my tank. It's been there since last Wed. and I've tested the amonia and ph everyday. No spike at all. Great stuff. The only reason I haven't ordered fish or inverts yet is because I can't order $75 worth of stuff. My tank is 29 gallon and I only like to add one thing at a time.


what about some of the fish that arent hardy at all have you had luck with any of those if you ordered them


I ordered a volitan, a royal gramma, feather dusters, a brittle, a coral banded shrimp and a nudibranch. All arrived and aclimated, as per SWF instructions, perfectly. The only problem was FedEx. they didnt even try to get a signature. I had a really bad feeling and checked the door. Who knows how long they were out there, but they were still in excellent condition. My bro works for FedEx and said that sometimes they just write the persons name on the little pad and leave the package on the door.



Originally posted by adamz
what about some of the fish that arent hardy at all have you had luck with any of those if you ordered them

I ordered a blue hippo tang. They are NG fish. It acclimated within two days and eats like there is no tomorrow.


Active Member
Always been more than satisfied. I usually would split clean up crews with friends and we always got extra crabs and snails. I will say that when I got my frog spawn I freaked out because the water was gone and it looked like the coral was gone but within an hour being in my tank the coral came out and now all three stalks look really nice and look like one huge head:cheer:


New Member
I just got an order Tuesday. It was great!!! Did everything just they way they said too. Some of my order was 2 royal gramma - (went in differant tanks). A serpent star, a HUGE brittle star, 10 blue legged hermies, and a couple polyps. Very happy!! :happy: So don't be to nervous.