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  1. cracker4418

    stocking question please help!

    Take back every fish and eel you bought except the angle.your tank cant handle any fish that will reach more than 3-5 inches fully grown.the lion is to aggressive to keep any fish with him in that small of a tank(i found that out the hard way)
  2. cracker4418

    120gal tank SW discussion only

    you can mix cc and sand but the outcome will be the same, it just takes more time. You don't have to use live sand, you can use dry aragonite sand(much cheaper).you want to setup your aquarium to be as efficient as possible, and prevent stress to the natural ecosystem. Using cc just adds that...
  3. cracker4418

    Can you mix crushed coral with live sand?

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 It's like mixing oil and water, it just doesn't work. couldnt have said it better myself
  4. cracker4418

    Can you mix crushed coral with live sand?

    you can but i would get rid of the cc and go with live sand only. if you dont want to spend the extra cash you can use both. add the live sand to the top layer of cc and dont mix together.but i still say go with live sand and no cc,you will be happy you did.
  5. cracker4418

    Will This Work?

    I like list one.I would go with the flame over the cb,little more color to stand out in a tank of giants.
  6. cracker4418

    120gal tank SW discussion only

    crushed coral has no benifits,but it looks kinda will be a pain and cost more, but it will save you more money and time in the long run.
  7. cracker4418

    120gal tank SW discussion only

    welcome. first off thats a great size tank to start with.second get rid of the crushed coral,it will only cause you trouble.third reef or fish only.
  8. cracker4418

    How many Fish?

    whats the stock list you have so far?
  9. cracker4418

    Switching to Fish Only, Anybody Have any Advice for me???

    another quick question. is that the same hipp from when your tank crashed? if so that shocks me. i would think he would have been the first go belly up.
  10. cracker4418

    Switching to Fish Only, Anybody Have any Advice for me???

    have you thought about a goby or wrassel?
  11. cracker4418

    Switching to Fish Only, Anybody Have any Advice for me???

    with that stock list you must KEEP THE LIVE ROCK . i only say that because the two tangs you want will reach 9-12'' full grown,and will create alot of waste and tangs love rock work.its not the number of fish you have, its what fish and there servival requirements that will decide if your tank...
  12. cracker4418

    Switching to Fish Only, Anybody Have any Advice for me???

    micro bateria live in the tiny holes in the live rock and they help consume extra waste. 6 fish is not overstocking but 3 fish that reach 9 to 12 inches is overstocking to the third degree.1 yellow tangis ok with 4 or 5 fish that reach no more than 3 to 4 inches.
  13. cracker4418

    Switching to Fish Only, Anybody Have any Advice for me???

    I agree with mr_X and azul1994 going to a fowlr isnt going to solve the reason your tank crashed. dont sell your live rock, your tank will crash again with out this major part of your filtration system.
  14. cracker4418

    Is this coral line?

    The picture makes it hard to tell,but i think its coral line algea. try to remove it with your hand or any thing saltwater safe.if it can be removed without trouble its algea.if its hard then its coral line.
  15. cracker4418

    Big Fish?

    powder blue tang is another colorful fish
  16. cracker4418

    Big Fish?

    IMO a naso tang is the only way to go!!!
  17. cracker4418

    nitrate question

    thats not a bad idea. good luck!!!
  18. cracker4418

    nitrate question

    Its not good, but 20-40 isnt life threating to your fish. Ive seen tanks at 80-120 and fish still swimming. keep up the water changes intil your back to normal.
  19. cracker4418

    Film Floating on top of water?

    Do you have a protein skimmer? The film at the top of your tank can only be removed by a protein skimmer or water changes.
  20. cracker4418

    looking for good light to start soft coral and maybe lps

    t-5 is your only opposition if you dont want mh. but they will be comparible in price to metal mh of the same output